September 7, 2012

Radio Archives is very proud to announce that we have Upgraded all of our Pulp eBooks, and you can upgrade the eBooks you have purchased from Radio Archives for FREE.
For the last four months a team of 35 people working around the clock under the leadership of John Olsen have upgraded every one of the Will Murray's Pulp Classics eBooks.
What did we do? We made the eBooks look better by polishing the formatting, making the graphics crisper, and a new Table of Contents when you open the book just like in a pulp magazine. Other improvements include putting the front cover at the beginning of the book.
As part of the upgrade every eBook has been proof-read several times so you can enjoy these wonderful pulp stories as they were written.
We made it easier to purchase by eliminating the zipfile. Buy a Will Murray's Pulp Classic from your iPad or other mobile reading device, and be reading within seconds. There is no need for a desktop computer.
When you see the Radio Archives brand on a product, you can be assured of its excellence.
What is the Total Pulp Experience? Look for the Total Pulp Experience graphic on the cover of all the Popular Publication pulp eBooks where we have added every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine including the letter column. Radio Archives is all about preservation. What better way to preserve these great pulp Magazines than by reprinting everything? We know you wouldn't want to read an incomplete book.
“We’ve decided,” stated Will Murray, “that from now on, most Will Murray Pulp Classics eBook will contain every story, editorial feature and even the letter columns from the original pulp magazine. Previously, if we reprinted the lead novel from the October, 1934 issue of The Spider that was all you got—that juicy story. Going forward, we’re giving you the back-of-the-book short stories too. We do leave out the ads.”
Murray explains this in terms of the stories the line has already become known for putting in eBook format. “This means that with the Spider eBooks, you’ll also receive the popular Doc Turner stories by Arthur Leo Zagat and Emile Tepperman’s Masked Marksman backup series. Since both pulpsters also ghosted the lead Spider novels, this makes sense. On Operator #5, we’ll be including Zagat’s Red Finger stories where applicable.”
Reasons for this change are numerous, including providing more stories and bringing great, lesser known stories and characters back to a pulp-hungry public after decades. Murray noted, “With the growing interest in pulp eBooks, is simply doing what it has always done, going back to its Old Time Radio roots: Innovate. Improving the product is something Radio Archives has always striven to do. The new Total Pulp Experience eBooks means that the customer will get everything worthwhile that can be culled from a given magazine. That’s the appeal. Of course, our anthologies like “The Moon Pool and Other Wonders” are a different deal.”
Bringing the Total Pulp Experience to Will Murray’s Pulp Classics eBooks by including the additional stories from the original Pulps will give readers a better sense and experience for what it was like to read a complete magazine right off the rack.
For those of you who have purchased eBooks already in the smaller size will not be left behind. Customers who have purchased the previous eBooks will be able to upgrade to the new versions at no additional cost. “The exciting part for me,” said Will Murray, “is that Radio Archives automatically upgrades my Will Murray Pulp Classics eBooks as it converts them. Every customer will receive the same courtesy at no cost. There will be no orphaned customers at Will Murray’s Pulp Classics!”
Will further said “This was Tom Brown’s brainstorm. I give him full credit. It’s part of his vision to remain current through constant innovation and the need to stay on top of the ever-evolving technology. The same thinking that inspired Tom to offer our original versions in multiple formats so that customers did not have to repurchase any eBook should he change devices, or the devices themselves change, compelled him decide to implement this idea. No purchaser suggested it. No one complained over the lack of short stories in The Spider. But Tom decided that their absence needed to be rectified. Me, I just stay out of his way.”
If you have already purchased Will Murray’s Pulp Classic Ebooks all you need to do is send an email to and we will send you instructions on how to upgrade. You will be able to upgrade all of your eBooks in just a few short days from now. Send your email today and be among the first to be upgraded.
Fantastic characters and great stories from Pulp’s Golden Age have had new life as a part of Will Murray’s Pulp Classics. Now readers can enjoy even more of the authentic feel of the Classic Pulps thanks to The Total Pulp Experience!
All eBooks produced by Radio Archives are available in ePub, Mobi, and PDF formats for the ultimate in compatibility. When you upgrade to a new eReader, you can transfer your eBook to your new device without the need to purchase anything new.
Find these legendary Pulp tales and more in Will Murray's Pulp Classics, now available in the Kindle store, the Barnes and Noble Nook store, and
Receive an exciting original Spider adventure for FREE! Part of the Will Murray Pulp Classics line, The Spider #11, Prince of the Red Looters first saw print in 1934 and features his momentous battle with The Fly and his armies of crazed criminal killers.
For those who have been unsure about digging into the wonderful world of pulps, this is a perfect opportunity to give one of these fantastic yarns a real test run. With a full introduction to the Spider written by famed pulp historian and author Will Murray, The Spider #11 was written by one of pulp's most respected authors, Norvell W. Page. Writing as Grant Stockbridge, Page's stories included some of the most bizarre and fun takes on heroes and crime fighting in the history of escapist fiction.
Even today Page's scenarios and his edge-of-the-seat writing style are still thrilling both new and old fans everywhere. For those who have never read one of these rollercoaster adventures, you are in for a thrill. If you already know how much fun a classic pulp is, make sure you get a copy of this classic.
See what the Total Pulp Experience is for yourself. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine.
Send an eMail to and start reading your FREE copy of the Spider #11 within seconds! Experience The Best Pulps the Past has to offer in the most modern way possible!

The best of timeless Pulp now available as cutting edge eBooks! Will Murray's Pulp Classics brings the greatest heroes, awesome action, and two fisted thrills to your eReader! Presenting Pulp Icons such as the Spider and Operator #5 as well as wonderfully obscure characters like the Octopus and more, Will Murray's Pulp Classics brings you the best of yesterday's Pulp today!
A horde of shaggy-browed, blood-hungry madmen with uncouth, primitive weapons, with unlimited vitality and bottomless ferocity, are hewing a path of terror and destruction through the very centers of civilized America — organized and directed by a passion-mad, money-lusting arch-criminal whose devilish cunning has trapped even the Spider, Master of Men, sole champion of outraged humanity, in a net from which, apparently, there is no escape. Who but Richard Wentworth is to pick up the cudgels in defense of mankind — of civilization? Who else can wage successful war against the most malevolent, the most resourceful criminal brain that ever set itself to gut the heart of a nation! Total Pulp Reprint. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine.
A shrill scream pierced the quiet night as the mighty Plutonic breasted the glassy waves. As if at a signal, countless passengers, young and old, men and women, were seized by an epidemic of frantic self-destruction. By water, fire, steel and lead they tried eagerly to hurl themselves into oblivion — into the greedy arms of Anubis, grim Egyptian deity of death! Richard Wentworth, who defended humanity in the guise of the dread Spider, recognized the suicide-mania immediately as an extremely cunning attack by the master-brains of the international underworld. Yet when his fellow men needed his protection more than ever before, the Spider lay gravely wounded, ruthlessly harried by Law and Criminal, while his beloved Nita, fortified by her courageous love, went forth to prove she was indeed the Spider's mate! Total Pulp Reprint. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine. As a special bonus, Will Murray has written an introduction especially for this series of eBooks.

By plague and fire, bribery and chicanery, terrorism and extortion, the insane dictator Ursus Young has established himself as the supreme ruler of America. Who is left with sufficient strength to thwart him? Already he has scattered far and wide the organization of which Operator 5, America's Secret Service Ace, forms so important a part. Against such tremendous, dictatorial power Jimmy Christopher finds himself battling with a desperation such as he has never felt before... Total Pulp Reprint. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine. As a special bonus, Will Murray has written an introduction especially for this series of eBooks.

Curt Newton, Joan Randall and the Futuremen cruise into a strange world peopled with weird, pallid inhabitants, on the quest of a lost satellite which was mysteriously plucked from the sky! Captain Future… the Ace of Space! Born and raised on the moon, Curt Newton survived the murder of his scientist parents to become the protector of the galaxy known as Captain Future. With his Futuremen, Grag the giant robot, Otho, the shape-shifting android and Simon Wright, the Living Brain, he patrols the solar system in the fastest space ship ever constructed, the Comet, pursuing human monsters and alien threats to Earth and her neighbor planets. The exploits of Captain Future, Wizard of Science, originally appeared in the pages of Captain Future and Startling Stories magazines back in the days before NASA’s manned space program. Captain Future returns in these vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format.

Out of the teeming turbulent East had come Dr. Yen Sin — saffron-skinned wizard of crime — bringing to the Capital of the West all the ancient Devil’s-lore at his command — and a horde of Asian Hell-born to help him spawn it. But Michael Traile — The Man Who Never Slept — had crammed into his own keen brain the means to cope with the sinister doctor. For he knew even the secrets of the Dragon’s Shadow and how to penetrate the yellow murder fog that had descended on the capital to mingle its blood-wisps with the mist from the Potomac. Total Pulp Reprint. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine. One of the Bonus stories is written by Arch Oboler
All eBooks produced by Radio Archives are available in ePub, Mobi, and PDF formats for the ultimate in compatibility. When you upgrade to a new eReader, you can transfer your eBook to your new device without the need to purchase anything new.
Find these legendary Pulp tales and more in Will Murray's Pulp Classics, now available in the Kindle store and the Barnes and Noble Nook store! and!

The end of World War II brought much change in the world and in American Society. As the middle class gained more money, Suburbia grew and the face of the United States changed, entertainment changed right along with it. A prime example of radio reflecting 1950s life can be heard on Father Knows Best, Volume 5 from Radio Archives.
In its initial incarnation, Father Knows Best was not much different than similar situation comedies of the period. However, by 1949, it became something quite unique for the period, a solid, well-written portrayal of typical Midwestern family life with a surprising emphasis on well-shaded characters, rather than outlandish situations, to bring out the humorous side of suburban life.
Played by Robert Young, the title character of Jim Anderson is a successful insurance salesman living in Springfield with his wife Margaret and their three children: Betty, Bud, and Kathy. Thanks to excellent writing and the outstanding acting talents of the principals, these hilarious slices of everyday life rise above the norm to make Father Knows Best one of the highlight series of late-era network radio entertainment.
Heard today, Father Knows Best still hilariously reflects the interpersonal relationships of a typical American family. Regardless if it’s the 1950s or the 21st Century, certain aspects of raising a family never change and remain hilariously consistent. Peek into the past and find a bit of yourself in Father Knows Best, Volume 5 from Radio Archives! Ten hours, twenty shows are available now for only $29.98 on Audio CDs or $14.98 for the Digital Download.
The interest in Digital Downloads has always been good but for the last 4 weeks it has been the preferred version for 80% of our customers, more than double the rate before. Because of your great response, Digital Downloads of any of our Old Time Radio sets will be priced at 50% off the regular Audio CD price through the end of the year.
You can continue to get the same sparkling high quality audio content as our compact disc collections at a reduced price, Delivery immediately upon payment, and the ability to play them on your phone, computer, or portable device! Purchase the audio collections you love and enjoy them in a whole new way!
Rapid Fire Radio
A Column by Tommy Hancock
In an era of reality TV, it’s fantastic to take a listen back to a time when Game Shows were original and both entertained and challenged the audience! Information Please, Volume 1 from Radio Archives presents a classic radio Game show that truly reversed a formula already old hat by game show standards! Instead of quizzing audience members or contest winners, regular citizens sent in questions and a panel of experts had to answer the queries from John Q. Public! Funny, interesting, and fresh and new nearly every episode, Information Please, Volume 1 is a hoot to listen to! Find out how much fun Information Please, Volume 1 is for only $29.98 for Audio CDs or $14.98 for the Digital Download version.
Tommy Dorsey. Count Basie. Vaughn Monroe. Les Brown. Names that Big Band fans will never forget, but also four of the brilliant pioneers of one of the most fantastic periods of America’s musical history. The Best of the Big Bands, Volume 1 features performances by this legendary conductors and orchestras as well as several others! Like lightning in a bottle, this collection recaptures a time when the music America moved to was played in large nightclubs and dance halls and filled with brass and bravado! Dance your way back to a simpler, grander time with The Best of the Big Bands, Volume 1 only $29.98 for ten Audio CDs.

Television had nothing on Radio as far as Reality shows. Night Watch, Volume 1 from Radio Archives is a collection of real on the scene action as a police recorder rode each week with a California officer on his nightly patrol. Night Watch captures the stark reality of police work in the 1950s and honestly, lets modern listeners realize that not a lot has changed in over 60 years. No punches are pulled with this ‘as it happens’ crime show as the action of the night in each episode is broadcast as it happened, making listeners feel very much as if they are there. Ride along with Night Watch, Volume 1 from Radio Archives for only $29.98 for ten Audio CDs.
Although his comedic star rose mostly due to TV, classic funnyman Milton Berle brought his audacious personality and unique humor to radio. Often a guest on many shows, Berle actually landed his own program, The Milton Berle Show, collected as a ten hour set by Radio Archives! Each week, Berle satirically saluted some aspect of American life and culture. Nothing was safe from this brilliant performer’s razor wit. Making light of such august institutions as farmers and railroads, Berle also picked on lighter subjects that were in the public eye, such as Good Health, Public Service, and even the medium he was played on - radio. For guffaws and giggles as well as wonderfully witty commentary on times gone by, The Milton Berle Show is a great bet! Only $29.98 for Audio CDs or $14.98 for the Download version.
Read by Doug Stone

One of the most bizarre pulp magazines ever published was titled The Octopus.
Released in 1939 by Popular Publications, it turned the formula of The Spider on its head. Instead of centering on a fearless avenger of crime, it focused on the master criminal himself!
His true identity unknown, The Octopus is a denizen of the underworld, bent on bringing America's greatest city to its knees through a campaign of terror and horror never before seen.
Writers Norvell W. Page of Spider fame, backed by Edith and Eljir Jakobsson produced this weird epic under the name of Randolph Craig. Evidently they were attempting to duplicate the success of The Spider—with a weird twist. But there was more to The Octopus than an archfiend who dressed like a cuttlefish. Just as no pulp series can last long without a worthy villain, they understood that without a formidable foe, The Octopus would flop. So they created a hero with three identities. Jeffrey Fairchild is a wealthy medico. By day, he masquerades as kindly old Dr. Skull, treater of the sick in New York's East Side slums. But at night, he dons a more sinister guise and becomes the sworn foe of all crime—The Skull Killer! Branding his kills on the forehead like the Spider, The Skull Killer takes on The Octopus and his purple-eyed minions in the wildly over-the-top story, The City Condemned to Hell.
Backing up this masterpiece of weird menace are three novelettes torn from the pages of the only issue of The Octopus ever published. This audiobook is narrated by the talented brothers of Doug Stone and Glen Stone.
Fantastic tales of action and adventure come alive in an exciting modern way thanks to Will Murray’s Pulp Classics line of Audiobooks from Radio Archives! Heroes that stir the imagination and Villains that chill the soul made Pulp Magazines extremely popular in the early 20th Century and fans today can thrill to those same wonderfully written, wild stories as performed by the leading names in Audiobooks today!
The Master of Men deals his own brand of justice in the Spider, enhanced audiobooks crafted by producer Roger Rittner. Featuring the excellent voice of Nick Santa Maria, the stories of one of Pulp’s greatest characters erupt with new energy. Combine that with the wonderful talent of Robin Riker as Nita Van Sloan and wrap it all up in sound effects and a full musical score, and the Spider is a great Audiobook for any Pulp Fan!
From Hero to Madman, Will Murray’s Pulp Classics covers every base! Doctor Death, possibly one of the strangest, most imaginative creations to come out of the Pulp Era, spreads his malignant evil to a modern audience, thanks to the talented Joey D’Auria. As Jimmy Holm and his Secret Twelve attempt to defeat the strange scientist, Doctor Death wreaks havoc as he wills! With D’Auria’s voice giving the twisted doctor life, Doctor Death is definitely a great Audio Adventure!
Classic characters of Yesterday come blazing into Today thanks to Will Murray’s Pulp Classic Audiobooks! The Black Bat swings in guns blazing, courtesy of Michael McConnohie! Voiced by Richard Epcar, Dan Fowler: G-Man, takes criminals head on! The Octopus spreads his tentacles of terror in the first Audiobook to feature the Bonus short stories from the original magazine as performed by brothers Doug and Glen Stone! Operator Five, The Three Planeteers, Secret Agent X, and so many more classic Pulp characters and tales make Will Murray’s Pulp Classic Audiobooks a must have!
Even Pulp’s greatest hero makes his Audiobook home at Radio Archives! Doc Savage, as written by Will Murray himself, thunders through tale after tale, thinking and fighting his way through the worst evils imagined. Thanks to the extremely talented Michael McConnohie, these enhanced audiobook adventures, beautifully produced by Roger Rittner, sound very nearly like full cast productions. The Man of Bronze and his terrific team of aides are larger than life in Will Murray’s Doc Savage Audiobooks!

The Master of Darkness investigates baffling mysteries in two classic pulp novels by Walter B. Gibson writing as "Maxwell Grant." First, The Shadow must unravel the baffling mystery of "The Ribbon Clues" to stop a serial killer and unearth hidden millions! Then, to unmask a diabolical supercrook, The Shadow follows a bizarre trail of murder that leads from San Francisco to Chicago and Manhattan as "Death Rides the Skyway" in an thrill-packed tale of industrial sabotage and deadly greed. This instant collector's item showcases both classic pulp covers by George Rozen and the original interior illustrations by legendary artist Tom Lovell, with historical commentary by Will Murray. Buy it today for $14.95.
The pulp era's greatest superman returns in two titanic tales by Lester Dent writing as "Kenneth Robeson." First, the unbelievable sight of "The Man Who Fell Up" sets Doc and Pat Savage on the trail of the Man of Bronze's missing aides and a super-weapon that could change the course of World War II. Then, the FBI wrongly links Doc Savage and his aides to brutal outbreaks of mindless insanity! Can the Man of Bronze elude the G-Men long enough to solve the incredible mystery of "The Three Wild Men"? This double-novel collector's edition features both original color pulp covers by Emery Clarke, Paul Orban's classic interior illustrations and historical commentary by Will Murray, writer of ten Doc Savage novels. Buy it today for $14.95.
One of the top crime-fighters from the golden age of pulp fiction, The Spider returns in two thrill-packed adventures written by Norvell Page under the pseudonym of Grant Stockbridge. First, in "Laboratory Of The Damned" (1936), Poisoned! Struck down by a deadly assault from a mad murderer, the Spider finds his friend Stanley Kirkpatrick, Commissioner of Police, doomed to a stupor of living death. Nor is he the only victim... also stricken with the dread malady is Richard Wentworth's fiancee, Nita van Sloan! The Spider battles both the Law and the Underworld to survive! Then, in "Hell's Sales Manager" (1940), The Brand wields a weird new weapon that sucks everything in its path into a vortex of destruction! How can even the Master of Men fight an enemy that seems to simply vanish? While this reign of terror goes unchecked, the Spider finds his every effort hampered by a human bloodhound assigned to track down and eliminate him. These two exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading and feature both of the original full color covers as well as interior illustrations that accompany each story. Available now for $14.95!
Altus Press is proud to announce the release of the third volume in its acclaimed Wild Adventures of Doc Savage series, written by Will Murray and Lester Dent, writing as Kenneth Robeson.
Set in the Fall of 1936, The Infernal Buddha tells the epic story of Doc Savage’s desperate quest to control the Buddha of Ice, a relic of unknown origin—and what may become the most dangerous object on Earth!
When a mummy arrives at Doc Savage’s New York headquarters wearing the clothes of his missing assistant, engineer Renny Renwick, Doc, Monk, and Ham rush to Singapore where they get on the trail of a swashbuckling pirate who calls himself the Scourge of the South China Sea, in whose hands a piece of the infernal Buddha has fallen. The trail leads to Pirate Island, the fate of Renny, and a mysterious box containing a terrible, unstoppable power.
But that is only the beginning of the quest into which the Man of Bronze plunges—one that will take him to the upper reaches of the Yellow Sea and a series a wild ocean battles against the vicious factions fighting for control on the infernal Buddha.
Before it is all over, every human life on Earth will tremble on the brink of eternity, and Doc Savage will face his greatest test.
“This may be my wildest Doc novel to date,” says author Will Murray. “The Infernal Buddha is a fantasy epic full of corsairs, criminals and other culprits. The menace is planetary. The threat, extinction. Doc Savage has a reputation for saving the world. This time he does it on the greatest scale possible. I began this book back in 1992, working from an opening situation Lester Dent started in 1935. Together, we have produced a true Doc Savage epic. And it only took about 75 years….”
The Infernal Buddha features a startling cover painted by Joe DeVito, depicting Doc Savage as the Buccaneer of Bronze! This cover was painted from a still taken in 1964 of legendary model Steve Holland, and is a variant pose shot for famed illustrator James Bama’s classic cover to The Man of Bronze. There has never been a Doc cover like it! Buy it today for only $24.95 from Radio Archives.
By Dr. Art Sippo

As Doc Savage arrives at London’s Croydon airport, a shooting occurs. A thin white man is wounded and cries out for someone named Sen Gat. As Doc comes to his aid, the wounded man throws him a small package and asks him to keep it safe. Inside the package is a strange black waxy stick. From that point on, Doc and his men are under assault by the oriental mastermind Sen Gat and his cronies who are trying to steal that black stick. There are actually several of them and Sen Gat wants them all. The battle rages in London and the body count rises. Doc and his men meet the lovely and resourceful Lucile Copeland whose father Calvin Copeland was lost on an expedition to Indochina seeking the legendary monster known as “The Thousand-Headed Man.” Lucile believes that Sen Gat knows where her father is and that he too is seeking the “Thousand-Headed Man.” Somehow the black sticks are part of the key to this mystery.
Doc and his men accompany Miss Copeland on an airplane expedition to the depths of Indochina following a chain of horribly carved pagodas all leading to the mysterious lair of the Thousand Headed Man. Along the way, they encounter the scions of an ancient lost cult millennia old and its strange rustling weapon that can incapacitate or kill. At the same time Sen Gat and his band of criminals are in pursuit using the deadly weapons of modern times. Caught between the forces of Aulden and contemporary evil, can Doc Savage and his men survive let alone prevail?
“The Thousand-Headed Man” was originally published in July 1934. It has remained one of the perennial favorites in the Doc Savage canon. The story includes exotic locales, a wily oriental villain, lost civilizations, mysterious means of death, and a central mystery the solution of which is the denouement of the story. All the things that make up the true pulp adventure novel we all know and love are here along with the skillful writing of Lester Dent at his best.
It is no wonder that “The Thousand-Headed Man” had been chosen in 1966 to be the first story adapted in a series of Doc Savage movies that would have starred Chuck Connors. Mr. Connors actually went on the late night Johnny Carson show to announce the planned series. There was even a comic book from Gold-Key based on this story as a tie in to the movie. Sadly the film never came to pass. But the story was adapted into a radio play that was broadcast on NPR in the late 1980s the recording of which is currently available from Radio Archives.
Thrill now to ‘The Thousand Headed Man”, including the color cover and the internal artwork, as well as another full length Doc tale. Get Doc Savage Volume 20 for only $12.95 from Radio Archives!
Comments From Our Customers!
Paul Gray writes:
Many thanks for the prompt attention in refunding the duplicate payment I made for the download for Mutual Radio Theater vol. 2 recently. Since then I have downloaded three more sets from you. All this is great stuff and the quality is superb as per usual. In future I will be concentrating on downloads instead of CDs - the saving in cost is a tremendous help -- and there is no need to find a lot of extra shelf space.
Robert Graff writes:
I recently purchased your download editions of several shows including your set of the Mercury Theater on the Air. I was highly impressed by the quality of these shows, especially Mercury Theater as I've only ever heard fair to poor sounding copies of those shows. Also, one request I would love to make assuming that it's possible, would be a collection of remastered episodes of Flash Gordon. The copies that have been available and floating around for years have been, in my opinion, barely listenable do the poor sound quality and this is a series that I think would greatly benefit from your work.
Barney McCasland writes:
I've listened to The Octopus "The City Condemned to Hell", and I have to admit it was more entertaining than I remembered, due, I suspect, in no small part to Doug Stone's reading. I enjoyed Doug and Glen Stone's readings of the three bonus short stories.
If you'd like to share a comment with us or if you have a question or a suggestion send an email to We'd love to hear from you!
The products you've read about in this newsletter are just a small fraction of what you'll find waiting for you at Whether it's the sparkling audio fidelity of our classic radio collections, the excitement of our new line of audiobooks, or the timeless novels of the pulp heroes, you'll find hundreds of intriguing items at
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