IDW Publishing and its talented team of creators, editors and designers were honored with four prestigious Harvey Awards at the 2011 ceremony in Baltimore on Saturday, August 20th. IDW’s four wins ties as the most awards for any one publisher this year, and include two for famed creator, Darwyn Cooke.

Starting off IDW’s impressive roster of wins, Cooke was voted both “Best Artist” and “Best Cartoonist” for his much-lauded work, RICHARD STARK’S PARKER: THE OUTFIT, a sequel to the first book in this series, THE HUNTER. At Long Beach Comic-Con in October, IDW and Cooke will release RICHARD STARK’S PARKER: THE MARTINI EDITION, collecting the first two, award-winning books in the series, plus all-new material in an oversized volume.
IDW’s hugely popular DAVE STEVENS’ THE ROCKETEER: ARTIST’S EDITION also won two categories. This first Artist’s Edition in IDW’s rapidly growing series was voted “Best Domestic Reprint Project,” as well as honored with the “Special Award for Excellence in Presentation.” DAVE STEVENS’ THE ROCKETEER: ARTIST’S EDITION was designed by Randall Dahlk, and edited by

Conceived to "recognize outstanding work in comics and sequential art," voting in the Harvey Awards is open to all creative professionals in the comics industry. Nominees and winners for the Harvey Awards are both selected by comic book professionals.
For more information on IDW, please visit them online at
You can find a full list of winners at