Just in time for Halloween, the first Brother Bones the Undead Avenger audio tale is now available for download from our Airship 27 website. Produced by Dynamic Ram Audio, Chris Barnes Sound Engineer and read by Mark Kalita, this creepy thriller is wall to wall pulp fun. And only $2 a download.
Press Release:
In 2008 Airship 27 Productions released BROTHER BONES; a collection of seven original stories featuring Ron Fortier’s original character known as the Undead Avenger. Taking place in the fictional port city of Cape Noir, the stories dealt with zombie dogs, gorilla gangsters, werewolf assassins and even a ghost train. Throughout each, Brother Bones took on every evil with his twin blazing .45 automatics as the unstoppable vigilante.
Now Airship 27 has teamed with Chris Barnes of Dynamic Ram Audio to bring these over the top pulp thrillers to audio and in two different options. Initially each individual tale, all to be read by voice actor Mark Kalita, will be offered to fans as individual downloads from the Airship 27 website for the low price of $2 each. The first such, “The Bone Brothers,” which tells the origin of the character is now up and available.
Barnes is not shy about his love for the character. “When Ron Fortier approached me to produce Brother Bones : The Undead Avenger, let’s just say he was glad he was thousands of miles away, because I would quite literally have bitten his hand off. These stories begged to be given a full audio treatment, and both Mark Kalita and I are having an absolute ball putting these together! We hope fans will enjoy listening to them as much as we are enjoying making them.”
As each new story is completed it will also be sold separately for the $2 price. When all seven of the tales have been completed and sold individually, Airship 27 & Dynamic Ram Audio will make the entire audio book available to fans for the sale price of $9.99, a $4 saving from the individual offerings.
“It was our idea,” explained Fortier, the Airship 27 Managing Editor, “to offer fans of the character these smaller audio files for a very reasonable fee. Brother Bones has a huge following and we are also delighted to have several of these made available just in time for Halloween.”
THE BONE BROTHERS, an audio pulp written by Ron Fortier and read by Mark Kalita is now on sale at http://robmdavis.com/Airship27Hangar/index.airshipHangar.html.
In a few weeks a brand new edition of the book will also be available on Create Space, Amazon, Indy Planet and Kindle.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Here at All Pulp are happy to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of our favorite pulp place: PULP SUNDAY! On August 26, 2007, New Pulp Artist Francesco Francavilla started Pulp Sunday with a series of Old Radio shows of The Shadow and The Spider accompanied by lobby cards and spot illustrations Francavilla drew specifically for each episode. “Little did I know back then that The Shadow and The Spider would eventually come back in comics 5 years later and that I would be providing the covers for them,” Francavilla said on his site.
Over the course of five years, Francesco has also introduced a new pulp hero on Pulp Sunday, The Black Beetle.
Read more about Pulp Sunday’s Anniversary as well as Francesco Francavilla’s upcoming plans at http://pulpsunday.blogspot.com.
A new Tarzan strip is on the way. Learn more here.
Read the recent All Pulp interviews with Tarzan 2012 comic strip writer Roy Thomas and artist Tom Grindberg.
Read the recent All Pulp interviews with Tarzan 2012 comic strip writer Roy Thomas and artist Tom Grindberg.
FIGHT CARD Announces Another New Pulpster on the Line Up!
Fight Card scores another main event by bringing New Pulp maven Tommy Hancock into the Fight Card Team. Hancock will get his shot at a Fight Card title in early 2013, adding another exciting installment to the Fight Card canon.
Tommy is a writer, editor, publisher, podcast host, and audio voice actor, but beyond all those things he is first and foremost a fan. Pulp, comics, movies, TV, old time radio, and new audio drama, Hancock is steeped in all sorts of pop culture up to the brim of his fedora.
A partner in and Editor in Chief of Pro Se Productions, Hancock is also one of the leading figures in the organization of the New Pulp Movement. Aside from Pro Se, Hancock is also an editor and writer for Moonstone Books, and editor for Kerlak Publishing as well as having written for Airship 27, Age of Adventure, Pulpwork Press, and a few companies where work is still up coming.
The founder and organizer of Pulp Ark, the Official New Pulp Convention, Hancock is also the founder, organizer, and one of the four hosts of PULPED! The Official New Pulp Podcast.
His novel Fight Card: Fight River will be published in March 2013
Twitter: @IdeasLkBullets
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tommyhancock/
Saturday, September 29, 2012
(CNN) -- Would you recognize a roscoe if you see one? Ever run into a gumshoe? Do you take your heroes hard-boiled and your dames dangerous?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then dear reader, you will welcome the arrival of a lost novel from a prince of pulp fiction. The book is "The Cocktail Waitress."
The author is James M. Cain, best known for two noir masterpieces, "The Postman Always Rings Twice" and "Double Indemnity." Both books sold millions of copies and inspired classic movies. When Cain died in 1977, his fans thought it was the end of the story.
Now, 35 years later, Cain's last novel is finally reaching readers. So how did this book go from buried treasure to publication?
Credit crime fiction connoisseur Charles Ardai with discovering "The Cocktail Waitress." Ardai is a longtime Cain fan, an author, editor and the publisher behind the Hard Case Crime series. Ardai helped revive the pulp fiction genre in recent years with a series of popular paperbacks packed with sex, sin and recognized for their tawdry covers.
Years ago, Ardai heard rumors of a lost Cain novel, written at the end of his life but never published. With nearly a decade of detective work, Ardai uncovered "The Cocktail Waitress," polished the manuscript and this week brings it to bookstores. To fans of old school crime fiction, this book is akin to finding an unheard symphony or a missing oil masterpiece. It has all the hallmarks of classic Cain: lust, greed, betrayal and deception.
It's the story of beautiful young widow, Joan Medford. After her husband dies under suspicious circumstances, she's forced to work as a waitress in a cocktail lounge where she meets a handsome young hustler and an aging millionaire. To reveal more would spoil the fun for readers, but suffice to say Joan is not your typical femme fatale. CNN recently spoke to Ardai about the hunt for Cain's long-lost novel.
The following transcript has been edited for style and brevity:
CNN: Tell me about the hunt for "The Cocktail Waitress." How did you discover the book?
Ardai: A decade ago, before we ever put out our first book, I was talking with "Road to Perdition" author Max Allan Collins about what sorts of books we might want Hard Case Crime to publish, and he mentioned that he'd heard that there was a last unpublished James M. Cain novel called "The Cocktail Waitress," written at the very end of Cain's life, but Max had never seen the book and no one he knew had. Maybe I could find it?
Well, I'd been a huge Cain fan since my freshman year in college, when I'd found a battered copy of "Double Indemnity" on a used book table, and I couldn't resist this challenge. So I began searching.
The search took nine years. No one I asked seemed to have seen a copy of the manuscript. The Cain estate didn't have one. None of the collectors or historians I reached out to did. For a while, the more inquiries I put out the less progress I seemed to be making. But I finally thought to ask Joel Gotler, the Hollywood agent who'd inherited the files of H. N. Swanson, Cain's agent back in the day, and sure enough, there was a copy of the manuscript lurking in Swanson's files.
But even that wasn't the end of the search, since it turned out there were several incomplete drafts hiding in the rare manuscript collection of the Library of Congress. ...
CNN: This sounds like quite a literary find?
Ardai: Very much so. Cain is considered one of the "big three" in hard-boiled crime fiction, the other two being Dashiell Hammett ("The Maltese Falcon") and Raymond Chandler ("The Big Sleep"). Chandler and Hammett defined the hard-boiled detective story, but when you take the detective away and just focus on the criminals -- the story of a femme fatale out to kill her husband for the insurance money and the lust-blinded sap she seduces into doing the deed -- then you're on Cain's turf.
He completely owned that type of sordid, desperate crime story. And finding an unpublished manuscript by Cain -- it's like finding a lost Steinbeck novel, or a lost Hemingway, or if you're a music lover a lost score by George Gershwin. A last chance to hear a great voice from the past, taking you on one last wild ride.
CNN: Once you found the novel, your work was not over. There was quite a bit of revision and editing before the novel's release.
Ardai: Cain worked and reworked this novel several times at the end of his life, which was presumably why it never got published -- he was still working on it when he died. But just to be clear, this doesn't mean the book was incomplete; on the contrary, he completed at least two full drafts, and then also had various partial drafts that petered out after anywhere from 1 to 100 pages. Which left me with an editing challenge: How to put together a single, complete final draft out of all the material Cain left behind?
In some cases, it was clear that Cain had made a choice he wanted to stick with -- for instance, after writing his first draft in the third person, all subsequent drafts were penned in the first person. So first person clearly was his preference.
But in other places, it was less clear what he'd have preferred, so we had to just go with the version we felt was stronger. But in the end, this is what an editor always does -- work with an author's draft to make it the strongest book you possibly can.
It's easier when the author is alive and can answer questions, but this is hardly the first posthumous book we've published. We've had similar situations with Donald E. Westlake and Roger Zelazny and David Dodge, among others. So I could draw on that experience when working on this book.
CNN: How does the novel hold up for today's audience?
Ardai: Oh, it's great. Part of the reason is that it's set smack in the heart of the "Mad Men" era, which is certainly not a turnoff for today's audience. But a bigger reason is that Cain's themes are timeless.
The dialogue and clothing and hairstyles might remind you you're reading about the past, but men still kill each other over the love of a beautiful woman today; women still hunger for men who aren't their husbands; people still find themselves in dire situations, desperate for money and forced to take a degrading job to provide for their children.
The danger in the book, the threats, the pain, the horror of losing a loved one -- these are things that never go away.
CNN: "The Cocktail Waitress" is written from the point of view of Joan Medford. How would you describe her?
Ardai: The thing that makes Joan unusual is that she's the narrator of the book. Usually in Cain's novels, it's a man who's narrating and you see the femme fatale through his eyes -- beautiful, sultry, ice cold one minute and burning hot the next, more than a little mysterious. But here Cain makes the brave choice to put us inside the head of the femme fatale herself, which makes her a much richer and more complex character.
No femme fatale thinks she is one or will admit it if she does. From her point of view, she's just a woman who's acting reasonably while the world goes mad around her. Do the men in her life drop like flies? Perhaps -- but it's not her fault! This chance to see a classic femme fatale from the inside out is part of what makes "The Cocktail Waitress" so fascinating, and so daring.
CNN: As an award-winning writer, editor and publisher of crime fiction, Cain must have had a great influence on you.
Ardai: No question. The pair of novels I wrote as Richard Aleas -- "Little Girl Lost" and "Songs of Innocence" -- were directly inspired by Cain. They're the story of a young man blinded by his love for two beautiful women, who finds himself doing terrible things as a result.
Before I wrote them, I read every book Cain had ever published. He was my muse. As you can imagine, it was an honor and a privilege to get to work on Cain's final novel, to have a hand in bringing this last lost dollop of darkness to light.
New Pulp Authors Derrick Ferguson and Terrence P. McCaulley join the Fight Card series line up. Look for their respective Fight Card novels in 2013.
Fight Card is excited to announce the addition of Derrick Ferguson and Terrence P. McCaulley to the Fight Card Team of two-fisted, hard-punching, writers who will have fighters slugging it out on the pages of Fight Card main events in 2013.
New Pulp sensation Derrick Ferguson – the creator of the modern pulp hero Dillon– is a native of Brooklyn, New York. His interests include radio/audio drama, Classic Pulp from the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and the current New Pulp movement.
With his podcast partner, Thomas Deja, Derrick currently co-hosts the Better In The Dark podcast where he rants and raves about movies on a bi-weekly basis. Derrick is also a rotating co-host of the PULPED! podcast, where he interview writers of the New Pulp Movement as well as discusses the various themes, topics, ebb and flow of what constitutes New Pulp and why you should be reading it.
His books include, Dillon and the Voice of Odin, Dillon and the Legend of the Golden Bell, Four Bullets For Dillon, Dillon And The Pirates of Xonira, and The Adventures of Fortune McCall, all of which are available through Amazon.com as paperbacks and ebooks.
Terrence P. McCauley is a proud native of the Bronx, NY. He first gained recognition as a writer by winning TruTV’s Search for the Next Great Crime Writer contest in 2008.
His short story Blood Moon of 1931 appeared in Matt Hilton’s Acton: Pulse Pounding Tales Vol. 1 and his short story Lady Madeline’s Dive appeared in the first edition relaunch of Thug Lit in 2012. Both anthologies are available for the Kindle at Amazon.com. His novels include, The Slow Burn from Noir Nation Books (as an e-book), and Prohibition from Airship 27, both of which will be published in late 2012.
McCauley’s novel Fight Card: will be released in January 2013.
Ferguson’s Fight Card: Brooklyn Beatdown will be released in February 2013.
Learn more about Fight Card Books at http://fightcardbooks.com.
Check out All Pulp's recent interview with Fight Card co-creator Paul Bishop here and his Earth Station One podcast interview here.
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Derrick Ferguson |
New Pulp sensation Derrick Ferguson – the creator of the modern pulp hero Dillon– is a native of Brooklyn, New York. His interests include radio/audio drama, Classic Pulp from the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, and the current New Pulp movement.
With his podcast partner, Thomas Deja, Derrick currently co-hosts the Better In The Dark podcast where he rants and raves about movies on a bi-weekly basis. Derrick is also a rotating co-host of the PULPED! podcast, where he interview writers of the New Pulp Movement as well as discusses the various themes, topics, ebb and flow of what constitutes New Pulp and why you should be reading it.
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Terrance P. McCauley |
Terrence P. McCauley is a proud native of the Bronx, NY. He first gained recognition as a writer by winning TruTV’s Search for the Next Great Crime Writer contest in 2008.
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You ready to step into the ring? |
McCauley’s novel Fight Card: will be released in January 2013.
Ferguson’s Fight Card: Brooklyn Beatdown will be released in February 2013.
Learn more about Fight Card Books at http://fightcardbooks.com.
Check out All Pulp's recent interview with Fight Card co-creator Paul Bishop here and his Earth Station One podcast interview here.
Altus Press presents Pulpmaster: The Theodore Roscoe Story. Released on September 23, the book is written by Audrey Parente and features a forward by Theodore Roscoe himself.
About Pulpmaster: The Theodore Roscoe Story:
The allure of French Foreign Legionnaire Thibaut Corday’s adventures flowed from the pen of Theodore Roscoe. Exotic tales from a dusky outpost unfolded in glossy-covered 10-cent magazines, before television. Hundreds of Roscoe’s yarns, published on cheap pulp paper unraveled mysteries, immortalized hometown heroes and stirred the imagination of a generation. In real life, Roscoe stowed aboard tramp steamers and mingled with locals in far away corners. His intriguing style later echoed in non-fiction works, when he was among the first to view declassified Lincoln assassination documents and when he documented historic American military operations. Journalist Audrey Parente became steeped in American pulp history when she lived blocks away from Roscoe in Ormond Beach, Florida, where she chronicled his life for this book.
Pulpmaster: The Theodore Roscoe Story is available in paperback from Amazon, in a limited edition (only 100 made) hardcover, and from Mike Chomko Books.
About Pulpmaster: The Theodore Roscoe Story:
The allure of French Foreign Legionnaire Thibaut Corday’s adventures flowed from the pen of Theodore Roscoe. Exotic tales from a dusky outpost unfolded in glossy-covered 10-cent magazines, before television. Hundreds of Roscoe’s yarns, published on cheap pulp paper unraveled mysteries, immortalized hometown heroes and stirred the imagination of a generation. In real life, Roscoe stowed aboard tramp steamers and mingled with locals in far away corners. His intriguing style later echoed in non-fiction works, when he was among the first to view declassified Lincoln assassination documents and when he documented historic American military operations. Journalist Audrey Parente became steeped in American pulp history when she lived blocks away from Roscoe in Ormond Beach, Florida, where she chronicled his life for this book.
Pulpmaster: The Theodore Roscoe Story is available in paperback from Amazon, in a limited edition (only 100 made) hardcover, and from Mike Chomko Books.
Challenger Storm: The Valley of Fear episode 4: "The King's Tale" by New Pulp Author Don Gates is now live at http://challengerstorm.blogspot.com/2012/09/challenger-storm-valley-of-fear-episode_29.html
NOTE: This serial takes place out of order chronologically with the Challenger Storm novels, which are being written with a definite timeline in mind. "The Valley of Fear" happens after at least book 5 or 6, but this shouldn't hinder the reading experience. I'm flying by the seat of my pants here, so I make no guarantees in regards to quality or coherence.
A second Challenger Storm novel, The Curse of Poseidon, has been announced for 2013 release.
You can read The Valley of Fear at http://challengerstorm.blogspot.com/
Challenger Storm: The Isle of Blood is still available from Airship 27 Productions.
NOTE: This serial takes place out of order chronologically with the Challenger Storm novels, which are being written with a definite timeline in mind. "The Valley of Fear" happens after at least book 5 or 6, but this shouldn't hinder the reading experience. I'm flying by the seat of my pants here, so I make no guarantees in regards to quality or coherence.
A second Challenger Storm novel, The Curse of Poseidon, has been announced for 2013 release.
You can read The Valley of Fear at http://challengerstorm.blogspot.com/
Challenger Storm: The Isle of Blood is still available from Airship 27 Productions.
Psychopomp Volume #1
London (NW3), 29th September, 2012 – Published by Vietnamese Wallflowers, the first edition of new anthology title Psychopomp debuts for Kindle e-readers and apps on Amazon this weekend.
Featuring short stories by seven new and upcoming authors from North London and around the world, Psychopomp showcases the best in both genre and literary fiction, a combination of challenging and engaging tales to intrigue all readers.
Originating within the leafy calm of Hampstead and established to give voice to local authors and likeminded friends and colleagues the world over, Psychopomp intends to address and explore themes of loss and departure within the context of modern pop culture and shifting genres. The work is structured in such a way that each author approaches their conflict on a personal level, coaxing and inviting the reader into communion with the heart of their themes.
Present for dissemination within the first volume are tales of time travel, isolation, obnoxious passengers on public transport, public executions, endless shadows and failed romance. Each story is both a challenge and a secret, an invitation to delve deeper into ideas and events that underpin our everyday lives yet are forever set apart by emotional resonance.
Described by Vietnamese Wallflowers author and nouveau pornographer, Kevin Joyce as being comparative of the ancient Greek nekyia –the ritual of journeying into the dark and asking questions of the future – Psychopomp is a collection of stories for those who have set sail from traditional realms and entered into darker waters.
Of paramount importance to Carl Jung’s theories of analytical psychology, the nekyia forces the traveller to ask questions of him or herself; questions to which answers may not be entirely welcomed. Through Psychopomp, the reader is invited upon their own journey.
Showcasing work by Martin David Edwards, Samuel James White, Jack Buxton, Jericho Vilar, Adrian J. Watts, Alice Old and Jacob Milnestein, Psychopomp is over 40 pages of unique storytelling and engaging tales from the emerging North West London set and beyond.
Available now from Amazon, Psychopomp Volume One is priced at $1.
For further information please contact Kevin Joyce at utsukushuu.dreamer@gmail.com.
Follow us on twitter - @Psychopompadour
Follow us on Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/psychopompmedia
Friday, September 28, 2012
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The name's Malone. Melody Malone. |
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Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) reads a Melody Malone Mystery in The Angels Take Manhattan. |
BBC Books are to release a special book inspired by this weekend's episode, The Angels Take Manhattan. The Angel's Kiss is a 112-page novella written by Justin Richards, and is the first book in the range to be published that has been written from the perspective of one of the show's characters.
Melody Malone not only runs her own agency, she also happens to be the author of a successful series of novels, featuring one Melody Malone.
The book will only be available electronically beginning October 4th, a few days after the episode's premiere.
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Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) recognizes some familiar characters in Angel's Kiss. |
On some days, New York is one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
This was one of the other days…
Melody Malone, owner and sole employee of the Angel Detective Agency, has an unexpected caller. It’s movie star Rock Railton, and he thinks someone is out to kill him. When he mentions the ‘kiss of the Angel’, she takes the case. Angels are Melody’s business…
At the press party for Railton’s latest movie, studio owner Max Kliener invites Melody to the film set of their next blockbuster. He’s obviously spotted her potential, and Melody is flattered when Kliener asks her to become a star. But the cost of fame, she’ll soon discover, is greater than anyone could possibly imagine.
Will Melody be able to escape Kliener’s dastardly plan – before the Angels take Manhattan?
The e-book will be released October 4, 2012 via digital stores.
Ed Catto visits the Book Cave and he’s bringing Captain Action news with him. Ed join hosts Ric Croxton and Art Sippo for another fantastic episode of The Book Cave podcast. You can listen now at http://thebookcave.libsyn.com
Learn more about Ed Catto at www.captainaction.com/about/ed-catto
Learn more about The Bonfire Agency at www.bonfireagency.com
Learn more about Captain Action at www.CaptainAction.com
Visit The Book Cave at http://thebookcave.libsyn.com
Thursday, September 27, 2012
October is horror month at iPulpFiction.com and Jeff Rice's original Kolchak novels from Moonstone Books are the featured releases beginning October 1, 2012.
Before the X-Files, Carl KOLCHAK was TV's first paranormal investigator, albeit a reluctant one. Kolchak is a dogged reporter who will seek the truth, no matter the cost. His "every man" qualities, as well as his wit and charm, keep us rooting for him every time.
Learn more at www.ipulpfiction.com.
Before the X-Files, Carl KOLCHAK was TV's first paranormal investigator, albeit a reluctant one. Kolchak is a dogged reporter who will seek the truth, no matter the cost. His "every man" qualities, as well as his wit and charm, keep us rooting for him every time.
Learn more at www.ipulpfiction.com.
For more information on PulpFest 2013, visit them at http://www.pulpfest.com.
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Bite-Sized Pulp now in the palm of your hand. |
GREAT NEWS! Short Story lovers can now access iPulpFiction.com on Kindle Fire HD tablets. Good work Amazon.
IPulp offers several Classic Pulp and New Pulp tales at affordable prices. You should check them out at www.ipulpfiction.com.
Tell 'em All Pulp sent ya.

The ESO crew also travels back to Neutral Territory as we complete our look at the groundbreaking television series, Babylon 5 with special guests Josh Wilson and New Pulp Author Van Allen Plexico. It was the dawn of the third age of mankind and the beginning of a new era of television. Join the ESO crew for an in-depth discussion of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2012. The place: Earth Station One. Also, get the lowdown on the upcoming Nashville Comic and Horror Convention from convention promoter, Marc Ballard.
Join Earth Station One for the episode they like to call: Traveling back to Neutral Territory to Babylon 5 at www.esopodcast.com.
Direct link: http://erthstationone.wordpress.com/2012/09/27/earth-station-one-espisode-130-traveling-back-to-neutral-territory-to-babylon-5/
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Review of Yann Martel's Life of Pi
The soon to be
released Ang Lee film of this story got me interested in reading the novel. A
runaway bestseller since publication, THE LIFE OF PI is not your standard
bestselling fare. But, of course, the question on every pulp fan's mind is: is
the novel pulp?
The answer: it
is and it isn't.
So why not judge
for yourself Here's the premise in a nutshell:
Pi, a
sixteen-year-old boy, is sailing from India to Canada with his family, and a
selection of animals from the family zoo aboard a Japanese freighter in 1977. A
sudden explosion below decks sends the ship into chaos as she starts to sink
quickly. In the scramble, Pi is tossed into a lifeboat as the ship sinks from
view beneath the waves. He is the only human survivor. All of his family has
perished along with the crew and the zoo animals. Well, not all the animals. It
turns out a zebra had leapt into the boat during the storm accompanying the
sinking, breaking a leg in the process. A hyena is also aboard and an
orangutang manages to scramble to safety the next morning. Pi is now trapped on
a lifeboat he shares with a selection of wild animals. Oh, did I mention that a
450-pound Bengal tiger is also along for the ride?
Now if that's
not the recipe for a great, pulpy adventure yarn, then what is? And it delivers
– for the most part.
The hyena soon
makes quick work of the zebra and the orangutang, the tiger (recovering from
shock and being doped prior to the sinking) takes care of the hyena. The only
thing left on the menu is Pi and a battle of wills ensues that, once read,
cannot be forgotten. Pi soon realizes that instead of letting nature run its
course with a tiger deprived of food and water, he must instead keep the beast
alive and well fed so it won't kill him in a crazed, starvation-driven frenzy.
These aspects of
the book are riveting as Pi goes into full-blown
Robinson-Crusoe-Tom-Hanks-talking-to-a-volley-ball survival mode, staying out
of the reach of the tiger in the process. I defy anyone to put the book down
while reading these sections. There's even a mysterious island of deadly algae
along the way as Pi deals with his grief and keeps the tiger at bay by using
his brain since brawn will do him no good against the beast. Done right, and
Ang Lee is the man to do it, the movie should keep viewers glued to their
Now for the bad,
the novel is so poorly written in places that you'll want to throw it across
the room. Endless pages scroll by with little or nothing to add except
pointless filler. Pi's family doesn't even step aboard the ship until 120 pages
in and long sections of the novel slide into Moby Dick territory with
brain-numbing pages dedicated to the particulars of the various fish and
animals Pi encounters. Some of this dreck is mildly interesting, some of it is
there to expand the themes, but most of it takes away from the grand adventure
this tale is meant to be and the horrors lurking behind Pi's situation.
I never thought
I'd say this, but I urge readers to pick up the book and skim through these
'intermissions'. As a writer myself, I could have my quill confiscated for even
suggesting such a thing but I feel the adventure sections of the novel are just
too good to throw out with the bath water. The other option is to wait for the
movie where, no doubt, the endless, needless passages will be excised. But,
hey, this is a book review.
All in all, LIFE
OF PI, has all the makings of a truly great adventure yarn. You will root for
Pi and grieve with him. He is in a no-win situation but refuses to give up –
the very essence of a pulp character. Whether you try the book or await the
film, this is a story not to be missed.
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Art: George Sellas |
Press Release:
The Rook first took flight into the world of New Pulp with the release of his debut story, “Lucifer’s Cage,” in 2006. Since then, he’s starred in six volumes of his own adventures, plus a comic book adventure in All-Star Pulp Comics # 1. The character has become a New Pulp standard-bearer and is recognized both inside and out of the ever-growing field. A favorite of many artists, The Rook has been depicted by the likes of George Sellas, Frank Brunner, Norm Breyfogle, Ed Mironiuk and Anthony Castrillo.
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Art: Bob Hall |
Rook creator Barry Reese says, “All of the authors who took part in Volume One did a wonderful job but I wanted to continue mixing things up, getting different visions of the character and his universe. To achieve that, I only sent out invitations to authors who didn’t take part in the previous book — and I think we’ve got one heck of a lineup!”
Pro Se Editor-in-Chief Tommy Hancock, who took part in the first volume, shares that same belief. “There’s nothing like a great idea. Except when that great idea has enough legs to come around again. Pro Se is ecstatic about Tales of the Rook Volume 2 and the ever-growing collection of writers leaving their stamp on this iconic character.’
Lined up for Volume Two:
Russ Anderson, author of We Keep the Cars Running and the editor of the How the West Was Weird series.
Jim Beard, author of Sgt. Janus, Spirit-Breaker and Captain Action – Riddle of the Glowing Men.
Adam Lance Garcia, author of The Green Lama – Unbound and The New Adventures of Richard Knight.
James Palmer,author of Slow Djinn and the mastermind behind Mechanoid Press.
Sean Taylor, author of The Ruby Files and Gene Simmons’ Dominatrix.
Creator Barry Reese will also be contributing a brand-new Rook story.
Monday, September 24, 2012
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Art: Joe Jusko |
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Art: Tom Grindberg |
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Art: Tom Grindberg |
By signing up for the new Edgar Rice Burroughs Comic Service, you will be able to view New and Coming Tarzan comics as soon as they leave our artist’s desk!
Read the recent All Pulp interviews with Tarzan 2012 comic strip writer Roy Thomas and artist Tom Grindberg.
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Art: Sterling Hundley |
CHESTERFIELD, VA - Edgar Rice Burroughs, the author who created Tarzan and a host of other sci-fi heroes a century ago, didn't get much respect for what was considered pulp fiction at the time. Now, the work of a Chesterfield artist commemorating the prolific author is taking a licking literally.
A brand-new postage stamp showing Burroughs and Tarzan is set to take off around the world. It's the second U.S. Postal Service stamp drawn by Sterling Hundley, an artist, illustrator and Virginia Commonwealth University art professor. (His first was Oveta Culp Hobby, the first woman to hold a presidential cabinet position.)
Learn more about Sterling Hundley and the new Tarzan stamp here.
Details here.
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Art: Joe Kubert |
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Art: Joe Kubert |
“To have the Tarzan stories I drew commemorate the 100th anniversary of a strip I fell in love with as a kid is the thrill of a lifetime,” said Joe Kubert, writer and artist of all the stories in this Artist's Edition.
This Artist’s Edition collects six complete Kubert Tarzan adventures, including the classic four-part origin story. Each page is vividly reproduced from the original art and presented as no comics readers have seen before. For fans of Kubert and Tarzan, this new entry in the Eisner-winning Artist’s Edition line must be seen to be believed!
2012 is the centennial year for Tarzan. Created by master storyteller Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan is instantly recognizable to countless fans around the globe. Other notable creations of Burroughs’ include John Carter of Mars, Korak, Carson of Venus, and At the Earth’s Core.
"I first read these comics when I was 10 years old, and they remain some of my favorite stories ever," said Editor Scott Dunbier, "this is Joe Kubert at his absolute best."
What is an Artist’s Edition? Artist’s Editions are printed the same size as the original art. While appearing to be in black & white, each page has been scanned in COLOR to mimic as closely as possible the experience of viewing the actual original art—for example, you are able to clearly see paste-overs, blue pencils in the art, editorial notes, and art corrections. Each page is printed the same size as drawn, and the paper selected is as close as possible to the original art board.
JOE KUBERT’S TARZAN OF THE APE: ARTIST’S EDITION ($100, hardcover, black and white, 156 pages, 12” x 17”) will be available in stores September 2012.
Visit IDWPublishing.com to learn more about the company and its top-selling books. IDW can also be found at http://www.facebook.com/#!/idwpublishing and http://tumblr.idwpublishing.com/ and on Twitter at @idwpublishing.
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Art: Tim Burgard |
Coming 2013 - TARZAN AT THE EARTH’S CORE Adapted by Martin Powell and illustrated by Tim Burgard. Tarzan At The Earth’s Core © Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc., Tarzan ® TM owned by Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc. and used by permission. Coming soon from Sequential Pulp/Dark Horse Comics.
Not bad for a guy turning 100, eh?
Pulp 2.0 Press’ Bill Cunningham announced on Facebook that The Auslander Files, a collection of the thrilling WWII spy thrillers from author Michael Patrick Sullivan will be released by Pulp 2.0 in 2013.
Here’s a sneak peek at The Auslander Files cover.
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Cover: Douglas Klauba |
From the author of the Brooklyn Knights novel series!
Due to the almost instant sell out of the first printing of the Kolchak the Lost World novel, Moonstone offers this new second edition with a BONUS never-before-seen Kolchak story!
After getting a serial killer to confess, Kolchak is offered an international assignment with massive coverage around the world. With fame and fortune finally within his reach, Kolchak is ready to cover the story, when he’s confronted by a mysterious monk who warns him that “the seventy-two must always be”.
Kolchak’s dreams are then invaded by unexplainable images that let him know every step he takes is bringing him closer to death.
Kolchak the Lost World: bonus edition
Author: CJ Henderson
Cover: Douglas Klauba
134pgs, 4.25” x 6.75”, $5.99
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