For Immediate Release
AMAZING STORIES Relaunch Prelaunch Launches July 1, 2012.
Hillsboro, NH
Amazing Stories, the world's first science fiction magazine, will begin its return to regular publication this July 1st with Volume 0, Number 1, the Relaunch Prelaunch issue.
All kinds of wonderful things have been happening at Amazing Stories over the past several months and some of them have prompted a change to the overall plan for Amazing Stories return.
As some of you may recall, I was planning on beginning the funding effort following the presidential elections in November. I'd originally wanted to go for the whole enchilada all at once and scale back from there as necessary.
Recent developments have caused me to accelerate certain aspects of the plan and to modify my approach to launching.
Now the plan is to break the project up into smaller pieces and fund those individually. Instead of scaling back, we'll be building up.
This change has been engendered by a very exciting recent development that will both strengthen Amazing's brand and create a revenue stream. The details of this development will be announced the weekend of July 14-15. The announcement will take place at the San Diego Comic Con (CA) and Readercon (MA) conventions.
I felt that it would be foolish to waste such an opportunity and decided to create the Relaunch Prelaunch issue of Amazing Stories so that there would be somewhere to go and something to look at when the announcement was made,
Since I had already gathered a fair amount of material for the blog, I decided to put it all together and create an issue of the magazine with it. The content ranges from reminisces on Amazing from Robert Silverberg, Barry Malzberg and Patrick L Price, to fiction by Jack Clemons (all of which is being reprinted from earlier renditions of the magazine) to an extensive series of round-robin interviews with 13 of the Book View Cafe authors - Maya Bohnhoff, Brenda Clough, Chris Dolley, katharine E. Kimbriel, Sue Lange, Vonda McIntyre, Linda Nagata, Pati Nagle, Phyllis Radford, Deborah J. Ross, Sarah Smith, Jennifer Stevenson, Judith Tarr and Dave Trowbridge and some (short) editorializing from me.
I think there's plenty of good stuff there that will be released throughout the course of the month. Anyone who hears about Amazing Stories from the announcements (I'll be sending it out to you all as well) will find several pieces to read when they visit and the promise of more to keep them coming back. And this will not be the last Relaunch Prelaunch issue; I've already started getting stuff in for the next one (an essay on Tarzan & Burroughs from John M Whalen) and more on the way (though I am not anywhere close to the three-months-out I ought to be). Hold on to your fiction, but if you've got an interesting article, interview, review, feel free to send it inI. I'm not paying and I can't promise I'll use it, but....
It now seems that the time to pull out all of the stops has arrived a few months earlier than I had originally anticipated. I am now putting together the outline of a Kickstarter (or similar) crowd-funding plan and presentation that will be released in the next couple of months.
In order to make it all work I will need everyone's help.
So what can you do?
Nothing if you'd prefer. Or you could:
Visit the site. Share it with your friends. Comment on something you find here. Link to it. Sign up on the Facebook page. Sign up here.
Say nice things and think good thoughts.
The more Amazing Stories resembles a going concern, the easier it will be to obtain the funding and the closer we will all be to seeing what we want to see, the return of Amazing Stories!
The website and blog can be found here:
The Facebook Page is here:
I have plenty of space on the site to help promote and publicize fellow travelers. If getting a spot up on Amazing's site will help you promote the magazine, please send your artwork and link or get in touch so we can put a plan together. I'm happy to do what I can in return for your support.
And finally
Thank You All for your support, your kind words and your good wishes.
Steve Davidson
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
The Aldrich Family, The Spider, Pulp Art by Joe DeVito and MORE from Radio Archives!

June 29, 2012

Hen-reeee!, Henry Aldrich!
Comedy is taking something mundane and ordinary and turning it into a masterpiece of hilarity and humor. No classic radio show did this as well as one centered on the daily chaos surrounding teenager Henry Aldrich! Henry and an entire cast of characters bring laughter to everyday life once more in The Aldrich Family, a collection from Radio Archives!
"The Aldrich Family" spotlighted the adolescent escapades of young Henry and the hijinks that ensued from simple things like a bicycle's flat tire or an overdue library book. The show also features one of the best-remembered openings from classic radio – Alice, Henry's stalwart mother summons her son by yelling "Hen-reeee! Henry Aldrich!" And Henry responds with a voice riddled with the crackle of puberty, "Coming, Mother!" The show's opening salvo had such an impact that some play on it still crops up occasionally in modern entertainment.
The Aldrich Family features as rich and colorful a cast as any show could. From Alice to Sam, Henry's father to Homer Brown, Henry's usual partner in confusion right through to Kathleen Anderson, Henry's sweetheart, and his arch nemesis George Bigelow. Each character was distinct and had a life beyond the gags and jokes, making this show both real and larger than life at the same time.
Restored to sparkling audio quality, The Aldrich Family is a great set for both golden age comedy and characters so believable you can't help but relate to and laugh with them. Available now from Radio Archives for only $26.98.
Rapid Fire Radio
A Column by Tommy Hancock

The Kraft Music Hall Starring Al Jolson - Very few entertainers have as complete a package of talent, personality, and sheer staying power as Al Jolson had. This collection proves that, spotlighting Jolson as the lead on The Kraft Music Hall in 1947-48. Jolson parlayed the success of a movie based on his life into a comeback and this show was one of the results. Not only is Jolson at the top of his game, but the sarcastic wit of Oscar Levant and the tuneful stylings of Lou Bring and his orchestra make this an enjoyable peek into the career of a true entertainer! Available now for $14.98 from Radio Archives!
Calling All Cars, Volume 1 - Although most people would rightfully call Dragnet the best of the police procedural radio shows, one that set the stage for it and all other comers is an excellent example of the genre! Calling All Cars, a show sponsored by Rio Grande Oil Company, featured true to life cases of all sorts and highlighted the hard work, dedication, car chases, and gunfights policemen got into to solve them! Fantastic pacing and great performances make this a stand out show and it's only $29.98 from Radio Archives!
One Man's Family, Volume 1 - Rarely does a show come along that is equal part family drama, soap opera, and slice of life, but in so many ways Carlton E. Morse achieved this with One Man's Family. Centered on the Barbour Family, this program gave listeners something radio often did not. People written so well they might live down the street from you. And they were people that grew, changed, lived, aged, and died. Truly a classic of modern entertainment, One Man's Family is a great addition to any fan's collection. Only $17.98 at Radio Archives!

Character Spotlight!
Cut from the same cloth as any cowboy played by John Wayne, Luke Slaughter of Tombstone stands out as a classic character from a fantastic show. A rancher bound and determined to protect what is his, Slaughter is the epitome of a frontier hero slow to talk, quick to defend himself and others, and determined to leave his brand on the West! Performed to near perfection by Sam Buffington, Luke Slaughter is must listen for fans of Western Adventure and is only $23.98 from Radio Archives!
Hancock's Favorite Episodes!
The Unexpected, Volume 1 "The Cripple" starring Marjorie Riordan.
With a program title like The Unexpected, one can expect something different, a twist or turn to set the whole episode on its ear. "The Cripple" is an eerie episode that does this best. A tale of a woman desperate to be with her true love forever but saddled with the care of her paraplegic sister, this show makes my skin crawl every time I hear it. Marjorie Riordan is deliciously evil as the lead character, going to deadly lengths to get the life she feels entitled to and is well deserving of how it all turns out! Definitely top notch acting and writing in this one! You can hear "The Cripple" and more fantastic episodes of The Unexpected, Volume 1 for only $14.98 from Radio Archives!

The Spider Battles Lightning Itself In New Audiobook
Devastating lightning, aimed at the highest buildings and critical public facilities of the city. Targeted with precise malevolence by a Man from Mars – with the flowing mane and deadly claws of the king of beasts. The Lion Man! The Flame Master!
In one of Norvell Page’s wildest Spider adventures, Richard Wentworth battles not one outrageous foe, but two. The Lion Man, who can rip a man’s flesh with deadly claws and unleash lightning with devastating results at any target he chooses. And a mysterious munitions master, whose allegiance can be bought by the highest bidder.
Electric Audio Adventure
“The Flame Master” is the newest Spider audiobook from, continuing the fantastic adventures of one of the 1930s’ most relentless avengers. This audio adventure once again features stage and screen actors Nick Santa Maria and Robin Riker as Richard Wentworth, alias The Spider, Master of Men … and Nita Van Sloan, his daring companion who battles at his side despite unspeakable danger.
The Spider faces Aronk Dong, the self-proclaimed Man from Mars, who unleashes the wrath of the heavens to subjugate Earth. But what is his real purpose? And hiding behind his deadly French Apaches is Toussaints Louvaine, a mysterious dealer in death who may be on Wentworth’s side … or may not.
“In this incredible adventure, no one is who they seem, and everyone has a private agenda,” says director Roger Rittner. “Nick and Robin are at their best, portraying all the characters in this lightning-charged adventure.”
A Unique Listening Experience
“The Flame Master”, like its predecessors “Prince of the Red Looters” and “Wings of the Black Death”, is enhanced with extensive sound effects and period music score.
For a sample of the excitement, listen to a preview:
“The Flame Master” is available now at just $19.95 in a deluxe six-CD set. The first two Spider audiobooks, “Prince of the Red Looters” and “Wings of the Black Death” are still available at
The Voice of the Spider! Nick Santa Maria

Eventually, after becoming a professional actor, I was hired to do a great many radio commercials, utilizing some of the very same voices I’d created in my youth. Eventually I got away from voice work to concentrate on other areas of performance. But my heart still belonged in the sound studio.
Fast forward quite a number of years. One day I got a call from a friend who asked if I would take part in a radio musical comedy. I took on the task happily. It was only when I arrived that I found I was to play opposite that legendary vocal artist, June Foray.
The writer/producer/director of the project was the very talented Roger Rittner. Roger seemed to like my work, because soon afterward came a phone call that would change my life and get me happily back into the sound booth.
It turns out that Roger wanted me to be the voice of The Spider. I’d heard of the Shadow, Doc Savage, and a few other pulp novel characters. But the Spider had eluded me.
At lunch one day, Roger handed me a box containing the script for the first book I was to tackle, “Prince of the Red Looters”. After reading it, I was hooked. Being a vintage movie fanatic, I could only see an old serial excitingly playing out in my mind’s eye. The characters were rich and full, the writing was vibrant and thrilling, and Roger’s adaptation was brilliantly done. This was not to be a typical audio book; it played out like a radio adventure, complete with sound effects, music, and atmosphere.
I found that I would not only be narrating the story, but enacting all of the male characters - with Nita Van Sloan and the other female characters portrayed by the incredible Robin Riker. It was a veritable feast for an old ham like me, as I fully embraced the characters of Richard Wentworth, Police Commissioner Kirkpatrick, and especially the villains.
I’m now a veteran of four Spider adventures and look forward to many more. I certainly hope you enjoy what we’ve done with these classic stories, and that the characters are as vivid and enjoyable as they were for readers back in the 1930s.

The best of timeless Pulp now available as cutting edge Ebooks! Will Murray's Pulp Classics brings the greatest heroes, awesome action, and two fisted thrills to your E-Reader! Presenting Pulp Icons such as the Spider and Operator 5 as well as wonderfully obscure characters like Doctor Death and more, Will Murray's Pulp Classics brings you the best of yesterday's Pulp today!
Five new golden age Pulp tales exquisitely reformatted into visually stunning E-books!
In that single, unguarded moment while he played his precious Stradivarius, the combined forces of the Mayor of Hell — the crooked Law and the vengeful Underworld — besieged Richard Wentworth, otherwise known as the Spider, nemesis of criminals! Mourned as dead, the Spider must start life anew, without friends or funds or hidden refuge, so that the Mayor of Hell’s bloody-handed henchmen — who judge no deed too base, who respect neither man nor God — may find their just reward — in death! Another epic exploit of America's best-loved pulp-fiction character of the 1930s and 1940s: The Spider — Master of Men! As a special Bonus, Will Murray has written an introduction: “Meet the Spider” especially for this series of eBooks.
Note: #29 is the sequel to #28 The Mayor of Hell.
America faces certain doom as its citizens fall in screaming thousands before the noxious death vapors loosed upon them by the Green Hand. How can the Spider, harried and threatened by a hundred new and deadly perils, check the rising power of the next Dictator — and lay bare the scheming, criminal mind which seeks to enslave the nation? Another epic exploit of America's best-loved pulp-fiction character of the 1930s and 1940s: The Spider — Master of Men! As a special Bonus, Will Murray has written an introduction: “Meet the Spider” especially for this series of eBooks.

Speeding through the silent blackness of the night, a long freight-train was laden with a cargo more precious than fine gold — wheat! Then suddenly, the hirelings of Apocryphos unleashed red destruction, and the great machine lay wrecked, its cars of priceless grain afire... Another blow in the ruthless campaign that was driving a proud people, whimpering, to slavery — overwhelmed by the cruel pangs of hunger! The four horsemen of the Apocalypse, thundered sharp-hoofed over the sterile reaches of a famine-wasted continent, while only one man — Operator 5 — realized the ghastly extent of the diabolical plot. And only he — America's undercover ace — could hope to bring the canny schemer to the justice he deserved — death!
Jimmy Christopher, clean-cut, square-jawed and clear-eyed, was the star of the most audacious pulp magazines ever conceived — Operator #5. Savage would-be conquerors, creepy cults, weird weather-controllers and famine-creating menaces to our mid-western breadbasket... these were but a few of the fiendish horrors that Jimmy Christopher was forced to confront. Operator #5 returns in vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format. As a special Bonus, Will Murray has written an introduction especially for this series of Operator #5 eBooks.

Carried far outside the solar system, and wrecked on a volcanic planetoid in company with a shipload of condemned criminals, Captain Future faces the supreme test of his courage! Captain Future… the Ace of Space! Born and raised on the moon, Curt Newton survived the murder of his scientist parents to become the protector of the galaxy known as Captain Future. With his Futuremen, Grag the giant robot, Otho, the shape-shifting android and Simon Wright, the Living Brain, he patrols the solar system in the fastest space ship ever constructed, the Comet, pursuing human monsters and alien threats to Earth and her neighbor planets.

Captain Future and his valiant aides speed to the rescue of the Sagittarian system — ready to lock in mortal combat with deadly enemies from another dimension! Captain Future… the Ace of Space! Born and raised on the moon, Curt Newton survived the murder of his scientist parents to become the protector of the galaxy known as Captain Future. With his Futuremen, Grag the giant robot, Otho, the shape-shifting android and Simon Wright, the Living Brain, he patrols the solar system in the fastest space ship ever constructed, the Comet, pursuing human monsters and alien threats to Earth and her neighbor planets.
When you purchase these beautifully reformatted eBooks from you receive all three formats in one ZIP file: PDF for PC or Mac computer; Mobi for Kindle and ePub for iPad/IPhone, Android, Sony eReader, and Nook. When you upgrade to a new eReader, you can transfer your eBook novels to your new device without the need to purchase anything new.
Find these legendary Pulp tales and more in Will Murray's Pulp Classics, now available in the Kindle store and the Barnes and Noble Nook store! The best Pulp eBooks now available for only $2.99 each from Radio Archives!

For a limited time you can now download an exciting original Spider adventure for just one thin penny! Part of the Will Murray Pulp Classics line, The Spider #11, Prince of the Red Looters first saw print in 1934 and features his momentous battle with The Fly and his armies of crazed criminal killers. Their motto? Why "KILL THE SPIDER!" of course.
For those who have been unsure about digging into the wonderful world of pulps this is a perfect opportunity to give one of these fantastic yarns a real test run. With a full introduction to the Spider written by famed pulp historian and author Will Murray, The Spider #11 was written by one of pulp's most respected authors, Norvell W. Page. Writing as Grant Stockbridge, Page's stories included some of the most bizarre and fun takes on heroes and crime fighting in the history of escapist fiction.
Even today Page's scenarios and his edge-of-the-seat writing style are still thrilling both new and old fans everywhere. For those who have never read one of these rollercoaster adventures, you are in for a thrill. If you already know how much fun a classic pulp is, make sure you download this bargain.
All eBooks produced by Radio Archives are available in ePub, Mobi, and PDF formats for the ultimate in compatibility. When you purchase this eBook from you receive all three formats in one ZIP file. When you upgrade to a new eReader, you can transfer your Spider novels to your new device without the need to purchase anything new. Use the PDF version when reading on your PC or Mac computer. If you have a Kindle, the Mobi version is what you want. If you have an iPad/iPhone, Android, Sony eReader or Nook, then the ePub version is what you want.

The Pulp Book Store at Radio Archives is proud to announce the addition of a store featuring one of the best modern Pulp Artists today! The Art of Joe DeVito spotlights the phenomenal work of a multitalented creator. A writer, sculptor, and more, DeVito is perhaps best known for his fantastic paintings that have graced book covers, billboards and more. Notably, DeVito is the artist responsible for the stunning covers of The Wild Adventures of Doc Savage series written by Will Murray and published by Altus Press.
Art and creativity are definitely part of what defines Joe DeVito. “I guess you can say I’ve been an artist all of my life” he stated. “I was born the year the Russians launched Sputnik, was told I began drawing recognizably and continuously around the age of 3 or 4, and have been working at it professionally for over 30 years now. Drawing, sculpting (albeit with Play Doh at first) and telling stories (such as, at the age of 4, describing the reason for drawing an entire town in crayon on my mother’s newly waxed kitchen floor) go as far back as I can remember.”
As with many creators, the influences, which led Joe down the path he’s traveled, were a part of his early life. “I’m originally from a large family that started out in Hell’s Kitchen in New York City. We moved to NJ in the early 60’s and I went from the Museum of Natural History and an asphalt playground with metal monkey bars and steel swings, to being able to run around in fields and explore woods and rivers almost overnight. It was quite a shock and greatly augmented my emotional, creative and physical landscape. I like to think the two halves made for a more complete whole.”
Pulp found its way into Joe’s formative years as well. “It was my utter infatuation with dinosaurs, books, magazines and monster movies that perhaps were my earliest connection with the pulps, at least in a visual sense. Watching our small B&W TV with the ubiquitous rabbit-ear antenna, virtually everything had a mysterious, atmospheric pulp quality to it! Those early years indelibly stamped my imagination. An essential part of being creative (for me at least) was never losing that initial sense of mystery, wonder and infatuation that I first experienced.”
When asked to define Pulp Art, Joe offered, “One way is to say that Pulp art is characterized by its tremendously atmospheric lighting, generally created by a strong light source that in turn generates powerful, cast shadows. These effects are heighted still further by the use of exaggerated perspective, unusual angles and topped off by eye-catching color accents on a limited palette, often applied with bold brush work.”

Using those standards, Pulp Art most definitely is something that, like much of the fiction from that era, transcends the period most associated with it and appeals to a modern audience. According to Joe, “There are certainly a multitude of different reasons for people to escape into the pulps. It would not surprise me if one of the subliminal common threads was a certain nostalgia. Maybe it’s that in such a complicated, psychobabble-saturated world as the one we now live in the Pulps often hearken back to a time where there were good guys, there were bad guys and in the end the good guy wins. End of story.”
“As for the art, it is an optical thrill ride: All the things mentioned earlier and more apply: Heroes, heroines, villains, monsters, flying saucers and aliens, action, adventure, danger – all combined in a picture making feast for the eyeballs.”
Joe finds his own escape and enjoyment in the very Pulp art he creates for others looking for the same. He also cites a plethora of influences on his work. “There aren’t many things as enjoyable as creating a dramatically lit, action packed pulp-inspired painting. My initial art influences and inspirations in this area are too numerous to mention. After all these years it’s now second nature. Others would be the aforementioned old movies, most notably the original King Kong and all the great (and not so great) B monster movies; film noir and associated spy, detective (epitomized by Bogey, of course), and other flicks, not to mention SF/Fantasy/Adventure Pulp magazine covers to name a few.”
And like all fans, even those who are also creators, Joe has a favorite Pulp character to work on. And it’s one he’s very familiar with. “Doc Savage: It’s the nostalgia of the imagery, him being a superhero character who is still human; camaraderie; super villains; lots of old fashioned monsters and mystery; action; adventure; fabulous steam punk inspiring gadgetry that could be tinkered together in your own personal lab…did I mention ray guns?”
The Art of Joe DeVito is the place to get visually stunning posters featuring the truly amazing Pulp Art of Joe DeVito. Each poster is 12 X 18 and available for $19.98! From the 86th Floor of the Empire State Building to the shores of Skull Island and beyond, The Art of Joe DeVito is your ticket to Pulp adventure!

The Master of Darkness battles murderous master villains in thrilling pulp novels by Walter B. Gibson and Theodore Tinsley writing as "Maxwell Grant." First, the Master of Darkness journeys to New Orleans to uncover the hidden identity of the international swindler known only as "Cyro." Then, The Shadow suspects that "The Man Who Died Twice" still lives, and is the key to the Prince of Evil's plot to murder Lamont Cranston! This instant collector's item showcases the original color covers by George Rozen and Graves Gladney and the classic interior illustrations by legendary illustrators Tom Lovell and Earl Mayan, with historical commentary by Will Murray. Buy it today for $14.95.
A knockout painting by legendary paperback artist James Bama leads off a special variant edition of two action-packed pulp epics by Lester Dent writing as "Kenneth Robeson." First, a bequest from a dying scientist leads Doc Savage to Death Valley in search of a long-dead pirate's legendary treasure. Can this amazing invention allow "The Pirate's Ghost" to speak from beyond the grave? Then, the Man of Bronze goes undercover at a Wyoming dude ranch to solve the bizarre puzzle of a strange "Green Eagle" with lead feathers! This special anniversary edition also showcases the original color pulp covers by Emery Clarke, Paul Orban's classic interior illustrations and an intriguing article by The Shadow's famous raconteur, Walter B. Gibson. Priced at only $14.95.

The Pulp Era's most unusual mystery man returns in three action-packed adventures by Paul Ernst and Emile Tepperman writing as "Kenneth Robeson." Dick Benson's life will be forever changed after "Murder on Wheels" and the mysterious Cole Wilson lure The Avenger into a deadly trap! Then, "The Three Gold Crowns" and a dentist's forceps leads The Avenger to Mr. Death's house of murder. PLUS: "Death to The Avenger," a bonus Avenger novelette, and a Whisperer thriller by Alan Hathway. This classic pulp reprint features the color pulp covers by H. W. Scott, Paul Orban's original interior illustrations and historical commentary by Will Murray. Priced at only $14.95
One of the top crime-fighters from the golden age of pulp fiction, The Spider returns in two thrill-packed adventures written by Norvell Page under the pseudonym of Grant Stockbridge. First, in "The Spider and the Scarlet Surgeon" (1941), With unheard of skill, the Red Surgeon can change a patient into an imbecile… or a genius of crime! Not only can he alter the physical shell, but this mad doctor can even amputate parts of a victim's personality, even their conscience. And his greatest ambition is to operate on none other than Stanley Kirkpatrick, Nita van Sloan… and the Spider! Then, in "The Spider and the Death Piper" (1942), Weird compelling music lures the inhabitants of Martinsville to suicide! By ones and twos at first, then in a stampede of maddened self-destruction. Even Richard Wentworth, with the iron will of the Spider, felt the irresistible calling of that Devil-tune! Can even the Master of Men prevail against an unearthly power that goads the listener to suicide? These two exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading and feature both of the original full color covers as well as interior illustrations that accompany each story. Available now for $14.95!

By John Olsen

"The Plot Master" is a battle of wits or a gang of international crooks against The Shadow. And at stake are millions of dollars and the security of our nation. The Plot Master is out to steal the Navy Department's mystery submarine and only The Shadow can stop him!
What a great story we have, here. It's a face-off between two masters of disguise -- The Shadow and Eric Hildrow, the Plot Master. You can never be too sure who's who in this thrilling tale of espionage. This story has plenty of suspense and action, and any pulp mystery with a location known as Death Island gets bonus points from me, to start with. This is one Shadow story that delivers the goods, right from the start.
Yes, this is one terrific Shadow novel, and it's one in which surprisingly few of The Shadow's agents appear. Harry Vincent plays a leading role in this story. Burbank is there to pass along messages, and Clyde Burke is mentioned but doesn't actually appear. Cliff Marsland appears about halfway through the story and gets to see some action with The Shadow. And of course new agent Miles Crofton gets to see a bit of action, too. But most of the action is carried by The Shadow and Harry Vincent.
The Shadow really gets batted around in this story. Entombed, shot, blown up... yet he miraculously survives. But not without injury. By the end of the story, he's pretty beat up. And that's where the strange vial of purplish liquid comes into play. As he was going through his earlier trials, I kept wondering why he didn't use that incredible restorative fluid. But at the story's fantastic climax, he finally does.
This is one of the top Shadow novels. It's got just about everything. It's got death traps from which there can be no escape: "The Shadow was encased in a trap of death. Death by confinement, within the suffocating walls of the air-tight submarine chamber." And yet, amazingly, he does escape.
There's also the squishy rubber suction cups that The Shadow uses to climb sheer walls. There's the explosives in the lining of his cloak. There's the secret messages transmitted on the open airwaves using emphasized words in advertisements over WNX Radio in New York. There's the amazing autogyro. And the famous vial containing the purple liquid. If you're looking for a top Shadow pulp novel to read, you won't do much better than this one. It's a lot of fun, and will make you glad you chose to read The Shadow. And it can be yours along with another great Shadow novel for only $12.95 from Radio Archives!
Comments From Our Customers!
Ernest Spellmeyer writes:
I thank you for your prompt response in sending 2 sets of Dragnet CDs to me. The quality of your product and the sound quality of the CDs are terrific.
Ed Morrissey writes:
I really enjoyed The Spider - Wings of the Black Death CD set. Keep it up.
Larry Scheflin:
I really love the stuff you've been doing. Many thanks for all your efforts. I have purchased all four Doc Savage audiobooks and was wondering if there are any plans for more. They are excellent.
If you'd like to share a comment with us or if you have a question or a suggestion send an email to We'd love to hear from you!
The products you've read about in this newsletter are just a small fraction of what you'll find waiting for you at Whether it's the sparkling audio fidelity of our classic radio collections, the excitement of our new line of audiobooks, or the timeless novels of the pulp heroes, you'll find hundreds of intriguing items at
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Thursday, June 28, 2012
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Artwork © Jamie Chase |
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Art: Jamie Chase |
At Earth’s Core is fully authorized by ERB, Inc. and is coming soon from Sequential Pulp/Dark Horse Comics.
You can learn more about Sequential Pulp Comics at
EARTHSTRIKE AGENDA, the new novel by celebrated author Bobby Nash is now available in paperback and ebook formats at Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and more.
You can purchase the Earthstrike Agenda in paperback and ebook format at the following:
BEN Books Direct paperback
Amazon paperback
Amazon Kindle ebook
Smashwords ebook (Multiple formats)
Barnes and Noble Nook ebook
DriveThru Fiction ebook
Barnes and Noble paperback
About Earthstrike Agenda:
Earth, once barren and decimated by war and the depletion of natural resources has been reborn.
Today, Scavengers prey on small mining towns and colonies. The United Planetary Alliance Marshal's Service seems unable to stop these raids. They are outmanned and outgunned, but is the only law on many colonies.
Newly promoted Captain, Virgina Harmon takes command of her first starship, the Pegasus, the latest ship built to solve the Scavenger problem. Plagued by nervousness over her first command Captain Harmon is rocked by the news of her mentor’s murder. Just days before he was to report to her aboard the Pegasus as chief of engineering.
In Earth orbit, a science station becomes a target. An enemy has a plan to use the Space Lab facility as a means to claiming Earth.
In deep space, the United Planetary Alliance city-ship Ulysis welcomes aboard a high-ranking officer with a special mission for the crew. Those plotting against the Alliance are preparing to make their move and their first target is the Ulysis.
Meanwhile, in the deepest regions of space an enemy has returned. An enemy seeking vengeance.
Whoever controls Earth ...Wins.
Visit BEN Books at
Visit Earthstrike Agenda author, Bobby Nash at
Visit Bobby Nash’s Amazon Author Page at
This week, the Earth Station One crew travels back to the heyday of the pulps as the Hardest Working Man in New Pulp, Tommy Hancock joins us to talk about the newly released Tales of The Rook and other Pro Se Productions goodies.
Then, the ESO crew rolls a hard six as they join a rag-tag fugitive fleet fleeing Cylon tyranny, search for a shining beacon known as Earth, and try to figure out just exactly if the Cylons really had a plan.
And finally, ESO co-hosts Mike Gordon and Bobby Nash announce their new graphic novel project, Strong Will, on this week’s podcast as well as the release of Bobby's latest novel, Earthstrike Agenda.
Find out all the scoop on these stories and more at episode 117: Making Our Escape on the Battlestar Galactica!
Direct link:
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
By Max Allan Collins & James L. Traylor
McFarland & Company, Inc.
210 pages
Scholarly treatises such as this volume, which examines the film and television adaptations of mystery writer, Mickey Spillane, run the risk of committing the most ironic literary sin of them all; producing a boring book about an entertaining subject. A large part of Spillane’s success, beside devising clever plots, was his gift of writing stories that brought a great deal of joy to his readers. Perhaps no other popular writer of the 20th Century ever connected so powerfully with the American post World War II psyche as did Spillane, which in itself is no great puzzle. Spillane was very much a product of his times, a veteran and every day working stiff who saw returning GI’s with true empathy. He was one of them.
By the late 1940s Spillane was writing about a tough guy private eye with an Old Testament philosophy. Sickened by the horrors of a world war, Mike Hammer, had had a belly full of evil and injustice and wasn’t going to take it anymore. His singular voice was one of righteous indignation unwilling to capitulate to the powerful elite eager to profit from a society weary of conflict. These were the new carpetbaggers whose target of their greed were the innocent, decent people trying to build new lives. Without being asked, Hammer found himself the wolf at the door, protecting the sheep against all the other wolves.
By the time Hollywood came knocking, his books were world wide best sellers and Spillane’s legions of fans were anxious to see his rough and tumble tales brought to the silver screen. Sadly, the results of those adaptations weren’t always pleasurable either to Spillane or his devotees. Some went on to achieve cult status while others drifted into TV late night obscurity barely remembered today. In this extensive and wonderfully presented study, Collins and Traylor set the records straight, giving each Spillane film and television series a thorough and insightful inspection. Their unbiased criticisms of the good, the bad and the ugly are all well researched reports from cast bios to screen writers’ credits.
Some of the surprises contained detail the ideological differences between conservative Spillane and left-leaning producer Victor Saville and his partner director, Robert Aldrich. Both Saville and Aldrich clearly despised the character of Mike Hammer and attempted to paint him in a negative light via their version of “Kiss Me Deadly,” with actor Ralph Meeker as Hammer. Yet, as explained in the book, it was this very antagonism that ironically resulted in perhaps the finest Mike Hammer movie of all time. Go figure.
Another highlight is their look at “The Girl Hunters,” a British blank and white production in which Spillane took on the role of his most famous creation and played him to screen perfection; perhaps the only writer to ever do so in film history.
This and other installments offer long forgotten vignettes from both Spillane’s associates and often relate Spillane’s own documented opinions of these adaptations, pro and con. We especially appreciated their closing the book with reprinting one of the last interviews Spillane gave to Collins, neatly summarizing his own personal and caustic observations on these various teleplays.
“Mickey Spillane On Screen,” is a thoughtful examination of one of the greatest mystery writers in American history and the celluloid treatment of his works. It should have a place of honor in every film and mystery lovers’ library.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Now available:
A new novel of horror and adventure by veteran pulp writer Aaron Smith
When destiny calls from the darkness, will you embrace the shadows?
At twenty-two, Eric feels older than he is. His fascination with the past makes him something of an eccentric and he spends most of his time alone. But then he meets Siobhan. A nearly three-hundred year old creature of the night, she desperately needs Eric’s help. He comes to her aid, just barely surviving the experience, but soon realizes that he cannot go back to living without her.
Together with Siobhan, Eric goes deeper into the strange nighttime world inhabited by vampires both good and evil, towns trapped in bubbles of time, savage beast-men created by crazed scientists, and deadly mechanical angels manufactured by magic to slay the undead.
Side by side with Siobhan and her supernatural allies, Eric must go from being a normal man to becoming a warrior, facing dangers out of humanity’s darkest nightmares and wondering if he has a chance of surviving to see each new dawning of the sun.
At twenty-two, Eric feels older than he is. His fascination with the past makes him something of an eccentric and he spends most of his time alone. But then he meets Siobhan. A nearly three-hundred year old creature of the night, she desperately needs Eric’s help. He comes to her aid, just barely surviving the experience, but soon realizes that he cannot go back to living without her.
Together with Siobhan, Eric goes deeper into the strange nighttime world inhabited by vampires both good and evil, towns trapped in bubbles of time, savage beast-men created by crazed scientists, and deadly mechanical angels manufactured by magic to slay the undead.
Side by side with Siobhan and her supernatural allies, Eric must go from being a normal man to becoming a warrior, facing dangers out of humanity’s darkest nightmares and wondering if he has a chance of surviving to see each new dawning of the sun.
100,000 Midnights began as a short story originally published in Pro Se Productions’ Fantasy and Fear magazine. Now, re-edited and vastly expanded into a full-length novel, 100,000 Midnights has just been released by major e-publisher Musa Publishing.
100,000 Midnights is now available in a variety of digital formats compatible with Kindle, Nook, other e-readers, or as a PDF.
The e-book can be purchased for $4.99 directly from the publisher at
Or from Amazon at
Aaron Smith’s work has appeared in many New Pulp publications including Airship 27’s Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective series, Black Bat Mystery, Jungle Tales, Lance Star Sky Ranger Volume 2, The Masked Rider, and others. He is the author of the Dr. Watson novel Season of Madness, stories in the Pro Se Productions pulp magazines, and various stories in other anthologies. Information about his books can be found on his blog at
Hello to everyone on the PJF Mailing list. There is a lot going on right now, but you can check the website and facebook for all those details.
This email is just to make sure you are aware of one thing. In the last newsletter (before making this information public online) I told you that if you are one of first 100 people to preorder THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 3: Portraits of a Trickster, you will get a custom laminated bookmark marking the occasion, just like the ones sent out with the first 100 copies of THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 2. Meteor House has not yet reached 100 preorders, so there is still time to do this.
However, Meteor House has now upped the ante with another reason you want to preorder THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 3 right now. It is so you can win a chance to be Tuckerized in a story—and not just any story, but a mind-blowingly-awesome story that Farmer fandom will still be talking about decades from now. That's right, a character in a story in this book will be named after you. One person chosen at random will win this prize and there are three ways you can enter the contest:
- 1. Here is the easy one. Preorder a copy of THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 3. If you have already ordered a copy, you are already entered.2. This will require a little more effort on your part, but it gives you another chance to win. If you already own a copy of THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 1: Protean Dimensons, follow that link to Amazon and post a review of the book. It doesn't have to be a 5 star review, we want your honest assessment of the book, but it must be a minimum of 50 words, not just, "Loved the book, I recommend it!" 3. If you've already done the second one, this won't be any harder. Assuming you own and have read THE WORLDS OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER 2: Of Dust and Soul follow that link to Amazon and post a review. Same conditions, it doesn't have to be a glowing review, we really want your opinions, but please put a little effort into it and write 50 words or more.
Mike Croteau
The Official Philip José Farmer Web Page
Terry Beatty, artist of the Phantom Sunday newspaper strips is offering some of his Phantom artwork for sale in order to raise the funds to replace the computer he uses to digitally pencil, letter and color the strip.
From Terry’s blog:
The process here is that I print the pencils (done in Manga Studio) in blue (a 50% cyan usually), along with the lettering and borders in black, on 11 x 17 bristol board, and then ink the art traditionally by hand with brush and pen. Some of the blue "pencil" lines can show through -- but it's usually rather subtle and doesn't detract from the art at all.
This is then scanned for color, which is done in Photoshop. In some cases, repeat panels are digital printouts as well -- and the logo panel is always printed -- the modern equivalent of a "paste-up" -- but without the eventual rubber cement stains or faded photostat! Sound effects lettering -- and once in a while, some of the more mechanical background lines, are digital as well.
As an incentive to buy now, I'm going to include with each Phantom page purchased, a randomly chosen page of original artwork from my files of comic book pages inked by me. I'll also toss in a few surprise extras just to sweeten the deal. Prices include shipping in the US -- overseas shipping will have to be calculated and added in, as that can add up a little too much. I'm also dropping some of the prices a little from the prices I've had on these at comic book shows.
Art here is all from Sunday strips that have seen print, starting with the first page from the current Power House gang story (sorry, all but one "Shadows of Rune Noble" pages are gone -- and I'm keeping that one). I do have pages that have not seen print yet -- but can't show them publicly, for the obvious reason.
Check out the pages and prices at
From Terry’s blog:
The process here is that I print the pencils (done in Manga Studio) in blue (a 50% cyan usually), along with the lettering and borders in black, on 11 x 17 bristol board, and then ink the art traditionally by hand with brush and pen. Some of the blue "pencil" lines can show through -- but it's usually rather subtle and doesn't detract from the art at all.
This is then scanned for color, which is done in Photoshop. In some cases, repeat panels are digital printouts as well -- and the logo panel is always printed -- the modern equivalent of a "paste-up" -- but without the eventual rubber cement stains or faded photostat! Sound effects lettering -- and once in a while, some of the more mechanical background lines, are digital as well.
As an incentive to buy now, I'm going to include with each Phantom page purchased, a randomly chosen page of original artwork from my files of comic book pages inked by me. I'll also toss in a few surprise extras just to sweeten the deal. Prices include shipping in the US -- overseas shipping will have to be calculated and added in, as that can add up a little too much. I'm also dropping some of the prices a little from the prices I've had on these at comic book shows.
Art here is all from Sunday strips that have seen print, starting with the first page from the current Power House gang story (sorry, all but one "Shadows of Rune Noble" pages are gone -- and I'm keeping that one). I do have pages that have not seen print yet -- but can't show them publicly, for the obvious reason.
Check out the pages and prices at
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