In efforts to continue to bring Pulp fans the most comprehensive coverage of Pulp news of all types, ALL PULP has expanded its staff to include top notch reporters, reviewers, and commentators! With the Spectacled Seven at the helm, ALL PULP has made a name for itself in being a major source of Pulp news and discussion for nearly a year. With both the increase of awareness among fans and the public of ALL PULP along with the continuing increase of interest in all things Pulp, it was determined more hands were needed to man the juggernaut that is ALL PULP! Current ALL PULP staff, leading off with the new Staffers and ending with the Spectacled Seven are as follows-
JOSHUA PANTALLERESCO comes on board as ALL PULP'S Assistant Editor. Joshua has published "I Am..." a poetry book and is working on a new collection. He also penned an essay, "The Modern Day Perceval" In the collection "Secrets of the Dragon Riders".
Joshua has served as one of the editors for Northern Flight, an arts and literary magazine. and has published a non fiction piece "A Series of Unfortunate Events" and the fiction piece "Imaginary" as well. Veritas, Joshua’s first comic, is completed and now available. He is currently working on two novels and now will be assisting with editorial duties at ALL PULP as well as working in the trenches as a full time staffer, providing reviews, columns, and interviews several times a week!
ADAM L. GARCIA, one of the up and coming faces in the New Pulp Movement, is an award winning writer, most notably for his work on revitalizing the classic pulp character THE GREEN LAMA via Airship 27. Adam isn't a one character writer, though. He's working on various other projects, including original Pulp characters as well as mutliple projects that go beyond Pulp. Adam will be providing news stories as well as his own unique take on Pulp via reviews and editorial columns.
BRENT LAMBERT, is an aspiring author working on his first novel and is excited to be able to expand not only his experience, but his knowledge as well by joining ALL PULP and delivering the best in news, reviews, interviews, and commentary on the world that is Pulp!
FRANK SCHILDINER, Pulp Author and Creator, joins ALL PULP's ranks, ready to bring all his best to news coverage in the Pulp World. Frank has had work published with Airship 27 Productions and is one of the many creators involved in the Infinity Comics Group. Frank is also working on a novel and a whole universe all his own, for Pro Se Press, where he also acts as the editor of Pro Se's 'MASKED GUN MYSTERY' line of short stories
JOSHUA REYNOLDS is perhaps one of the most prolific writers of the New Pulp Movement. A partner in Pulpwork Press, Joshua has also written for Airship 27, Pro Se Press, Moonstone, as well as other New Pulp Publishers. Currently, Joshua is writing for Black Library as well and has a WARHAMMER novel coming out in the near future, not to mention a ton of other really cool projects that are so secret even Josh isn't allowed to know about them. With all of that, Joshua will be bringing his views and thoughts to ALL PULP every week!
Suzanne Fuller, an aspiring writer, hails from Scotland and provides reviews that are entertaining, comprehensive, insightful, and do what a good review should-Helps the reader make a decision about the book and keeps the reader coming back looking for Suzanne's next review at ALL PULP!
CHUCK MILLER, New Pulp Author and Creator, is the mastermind behind one of the internet's best New Pulp characters and accompanying universes, The Black Centipede! With Pro Se Press publishing the first and future volumes of the Centipede's adventures, Chuck is readying to work on other projects as continuing to expand the Centipede's wild and wacky world, turning out the occasional column or interview for ALL PULP in the process. AND FINALLY, THE SPECTACLED SEVEN
Tommy Hancock,Editor in Chief of ALL PULP, first and foremost, is a Pulp fan. What form it comes in really doesn't matter. Book, Movie, Radio, Comic...Orange, not really a deal for him. This has been a lifetime condition for Tommy and went to the next level very early in life as he became a writer and, soon following that development, an actor. He has performed on stage since high school, formed and disbanded (mostly) a community theater all his own, and is now Drama Ministry Director at his church. He also has a background in audio drama. He was a newspaper reporter at 14 and has lived a variety of experiences in his time. Currently, he is Editor in Chief of Pro Se Press and the founder and coordinator of the PULP ARK Creator's Conference/Convention. He is also a published writer, his first novella published by Airship 27 Productions. He is currently working on projects for Airship 27, Moonstone, Decoder Ring Theater, and his own Pro Se Press.
Barry Reese has spent the last decade writing for publishers as diverse as Marvel Comics, West End Games, Wild Cat Books and Moonstone Books. Known primarily for his pulp adventure works like The Rook Chronicles, The Adventures of Lazarus Gray and Savage Tales of Ki-Gor, Barry has also delved into slasher horror (Rabbit Heart) and even the fantasy pirate genre (Guan-Yin and the Horrors of Skull Island). His favorite classic pulp heroes are The Avenger, Doc Savage, John Carter, Conan and Seekay.

From his secret lair in the wilds of Bethlehem, Georgia,
Bobby Nash writes. He is an author of novels and short stories like Evil Ways, Fantastix, Lance Star: Sky Ranger, Domino Lady, Sentinels: Alternate Visions, Full Throttle Space Tales: Space Sirens, A Fistful Of Legends, and the upcoming Green Hornet Chronicles and Secret Agent X among others. He also writes comic books and graphic novels like Life In The Faster Lane, Fuzzy Bunnies From Hell, Demonslayer, Fantastix, Yin Yang, I Am Googol: The Great Invasion, and Lance Star: Sky Ranger, among others. For more information on Bobby Nash please visit him at,,,, and, among other places across the web.

Much like removing a bandaid I suppose the best way to get through this is to rip it off as quickly as possible, accept the pain and move on: My name is
Derrick Ferguson and I'm from Brooklyn, New York where I've lived most of my life. Married for 28 years to the wonderful Patricia Cabbagestalk-Ferguson who lets me get away with far more than is good for me. My interests include old radio shows, classic pulps from the 30's/40's, comic books, fan fiction, Star Trek, pop culture, science fiction, animation, television and movies...oh yeah...movies. I'm currently the co-host of the podcast BETTER IN THE DARK where my partner Thomas Deja and I rant and rave about movies on a bi-weekly basis. To date I've written five books: "Dillon And The Voice of Odin", my love letter to classic pulp action/adventure with a modern flavor and the sequel, "Dillon And The Legend of The Golden Bell" ; "Derrick Ferguson's Movie Review Notebook" and its sequel "The Return of Derrick Ferguson's Movie Review Notebook." Both of 'em packed full of movie reviews that I think are pretty damn good otherwise I wouldn't be asking folks to pay hard earned cash for 'em, now would I? ; "Diamondback Vol I: It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time", a spaghetti western disgused as a modern day gangster/urban crime thriller. Anything else you'd like to know about me, check out my Live Journal: The Pulpwork Press website: or Better In The Dark: Or hit me up on Facebook. I ain't hard to find!
Ron Fortier had been writing professionally for thirty-five years. He is best known for his work on the Green Hornet comic series for Now Comics and writing Alex Ross’ first comic project, Terminator:Burning Earth for the same company. Four years ago Ron co-founded Airship 27 Productions with artist Rob Davis. The company produces brand new novels and anthologies featuring classic pulp heroes from the 1930s, to include Ron’s revival of Captain Hazzard. Their books are published by Cornerstone Book Publishers of New Orleans. Ron also maintains a weekly blog at his website ( and writes a review column, Pulp Fictions Reviews found at - ( He is a frequent contributor to Moonstone Books pulp fiction anthologies and is currently writing and self-publishing a new comic series, Mr. Jigsaw, Man of a Thousand Parts from Rob Davis’ Redbud Studios plus working on three new weekly webstrip comics. Redbud recently published Ron’s pulp comic graphic novel, The Boston Bombers. Email Ron at Airship27@

Writer, editor, publisher, and historian
Van Allen Plexico stands at the forefront of the pulp revival movement and the new wave of prose superhero fiction, with popular works including his “Sentinels” novels, “Sherlock Holmes,” “Lucian,” and “Gideon Cain” (with Kurt Busiek). His big-selling “Assembled!” books garnered praise from the original Marvel creators themselves. He has been published by Airship 27, Swarm Press, White Rocket, Rittenhouse, Adamant Entertainment,, and Pro Se Press, and is the publisher of White Rocket Books. He and his family live near St Louis. Visit him at and/or at .
Sarge Portera: As someone recently pointed out to me, I'm a 3rd generation pulp enthusiast whose dad & grandfather created an obscure pulp hero, Doc Diamond, that they self-published! Being nurtured on comicbooks, movies, science fiction & actioneers since childhood it would only be natural for me to help establish & maintain the following FB Groups with me darlin' daughter's able assist: Bronze Pastiches, Purple Prose Pulp Parade, Sergeant Preston of the Yukon Fan Club, Silhouette Pastiches & Worlds of Doc Diamond!