Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Tommy Hancock, Pulp Ark Coordinator and Partner in Pro Se Productions, the company behind the first annual Convention/Creators' Conference being held in Batesville, AR, May 13-15th, announced a rather unique event being held the evening of the 13th at the Cinnamon Stick, the historic building serving as the inaugural site for the first Pulp Ark.

"Friday night," Hancock stated, "we will be hosting an event we're calling 'Radio Lives Again.' The concept is simple in theory and we'll see how easy or hilarious or both it is in actual practice.  Basically we are taking scenes from various New Pulp stories written by authors in attendance at Pulp Ark and will be dramatizing them live on stage for an audience at 6 PM Friday.  We will do this in the style of old time radio, where actors come up to the microphones with scripts, act out the scene complete with sound effects and even possibly music.  No rehearsal, no second takes, true live radio like entertainment. And our actors, we'll pick them from the audience in attendance."

When asked what authors were being spotlighed, Hancock reported, "We have a list of all those we want to make sure get a few minutes of this wonderful experience.  Truthfully, though, this idea is a fairly recent one, so getting even a few pages adapted could be a chore.  The current plan is to have scenes from one of my works as well as from stories by Ron Fortier, Van Allen Plexico, Wayne Reinagel, Bobby Nash, and Barry Reese.  If luck is with us, we will have three-five minutes from each of these fine New Pulp authors to add to this show, a show that will be, again if luck is with us, recorded and made available for free in coming days on the New Pulp website as well as other locations."

Radio Lives Again will begin at 6PM Friday, May 13th, 2011 at The Cinnamon Stick at 151 W. Main in Batesville, AR.  Stay tuned to ALL PULP for up to the minute updates from this event and others at PULP ARK!