Monday, March 28, 2011


AP: Nancy, first, congratulations for the release of CHICKS IN CAPES!   You have a story included in this fantastic volume that we will talk about, but first, can you tell us something about yourself?
NH:  I'm a native Californian who lives in California.  There are six or seven of us.  I was born in northern California but I've spent the majority of my life in southern California.  We call northern Californians "moss eaters" and they call us "bimbos." It works for us.  I'm a New York Times bestselling author currently specializing (mostly) in young adult dark fantasy.  I have a writing partner named Debbie Viguié and we have three series--Wicked, Crusade, and The Wolf Springs Chronicles.  Crusade is coming out in trade paperback in May, and the next Crusade book, Damned, is coming out in August.  Writing alone, I have a young adult horror series titled Possessions.  The third book, The Screaming Season, just came out.  I watch a horror movie every morning when I write horror. Debbie has a story in CiC, too!
AP:  Your tale is titled BENEATH THE CAPE: A DOMINO LADY STORY.   What, without spoiling it, of course, is your story about?
NH: I'm fascinated by Aimee Semple McPherson, the world's first mass media evangelist (1920's and 1930's.)  Have you seen Elmer Gantry?  That's Sister Aimee.  She went missing in 1926.  I've been past her church up in L.A. and I have always been interested in religious showmanship (Marjoe Gortner is another such.)  She wound up in Mexico.  I live 40 minutes from the Mexican border and I knew a lot of movie stars used to go to the Rosarito Beach Hotel, where I've been a few times.  I've been to a bullfight in Tijuana (once is enough!)  So it all fell into place.  
AP: The Domino Lady is a character that has her origins in the heyday of pulp magazines.  What appealed to you about her enough to utilize her in your story?
NH: I'm the writer on the Domino Lady comic book for Moonstone, so Lori suggested I give DL a story in the anthology.  I was happy to do it.  I love writing about sassy adventuresses, and DL is about as sassy as they come.  She's a lot like those "New Woman" heroines of the movies of the 30's.  I love her to bits.  
AP:  Would you consider Domino Lady a fictional character that could also be a good role model?
NH:  Domino Lady is bold, brassy, and does what she wants.  Hells,  yeah!  She also has a softer side, deep compassion for the downtrodden.  There was an issue of the comic where she deals with the social justice issues surrounding migrant farming in the 1930's.  Her father, Owen Patrick, was a politician who stood up for the weak and disenfranchised.  So she fights for the right (or the shiny and bright--she's quite a jewel thief!)--and then she has a nice bubble bath and flirts with polo-playing big game hunters on the phone.
AP: Some might say  that super hero fiction is a man’s genre.  What would you say to that and what do you feel like female creators have to offer to the field?
NH:  I'd say that anyone who says that in 2011 is not reading superhero fiction.  That's been said about every genre and format I've written in except for romance, and in every single case, we dames have proved the cavemen wrong.  I'd also say there's a lot of joy coming from the female creators because we're here and we're loving every minute of it!  Mah bestie, Debbie Viguié, is debuting her creation, Glamour, in CiC and I'm so excited for her!
AP:  Any plans for the names Nancy Holder and Domino Lady to be connected again in the future?
NH:  Oh, yes!  I'm working on another comic book issue right now (I swear it, Lori!)  It's the second of two parts so I'd better hustle!