AP: Bobby, you're a guest at Pulp Ark. Tell us about your work in pulp that brings you to this convention.
BN: I am a writer of novels, comic books, novellas, short stories, graphic novels, and even dabble in the occasional screenplay. Much of my work has a pulp feel to it, such as my work on Lance Star: Sky Ranger Vol. 1 and 2 plus the upcoming vol. 3, Startling Stories Magazine, Full Throttle Space Tales Vol. 2: Space Sirens, Sentinels: Alternate Visions, Domino Lady: Sex As A Weapon, A Fistful of Legends, Ravenwood: Stepson of Mystery, Secret Agent X, and more.
I will be at Pulp Ark to meet fellow pulp creators and fans, introduce new readers to my work, and maybe even sell a book or twenty.
AP: Now you're known for being a convention presence around the country. Why do you work them so hard and why are conventions important to pulp specifically, but to any form of literature in general as well?
BN: I have a great time at the conventions. Not only do you meet interesting people with the same interests as I do, but it also allows me the opportunity to introduce my work to potential readers that may not be familiar with it.
Plus, on a purely creative note, I find the conventions to be a nice creative boost. I always come home from them exhausted, but eager to get back to work.
AP: PULP ARK is billed as a convention/conference. This is a little different than most conventions. Do you think this is a good thing? Is there a need for such events?
BN: Diversity is a great thing in conventions. If all of the conventions were exactly alike I’d only need to do one of them a year. Having cons that are unique to themselves is great for me and the fans.
AP:You meet someone on the streets of Batesville, Arkansas who thinks pulp is what you find at the bottom of an orange juice bottle. How do you sell them on going inside and checking out PULP ARK?
BN: I would start by asking them what they like to read, what type of movies do they like, or what TV shows do they watch. Whatever the answer, I can probably recommend a pulp book for them. Pulp is more than Doc Savage and the Shadow. Pulp is action, adventure, westerns, sci fi, drama, romance, danger, intrigue. You name it and there’s probably a pulp connection.