Monday, December 13, 2010


A Little Wold Newton
by Michael Croteau

Here is a case of some extreme Wold Newton geekery. In the summer of 2009, my family and I vacationed in England, along with Win Scott Eckert and his wife. We mostly stayed with Paul Spiteri and his family outside of London. During our two weeks on the island, we of course made a pilgrimage to visit the Wold Newton Monument. We even stayed at the Wold Newton Cottage (highly recommended by the way).
After we returned back home to Georgia, my wife, who is one of the most creative people you'll ever meet, decided to make a memento of our trip. Something we could look at that would instantly trigger pleasant memories of our vacation of a lifetime. She even decided to make three of them, one for us, one for the Eckerts and one for the Spiteris. The result was the three wonderful miniature Wold Newton Monuments you see below. You can click on the picture for a larger file to see more details.
You can also click here to see one of the models, next to the photo is was based on, and some random book to show scale.

Ok, my wife insists I take credit for helping her with these. While she did the planning, purchasing of materials, and all the construction, I did do my part too. Notice the extremely realistic looking mortar between the bricks, yup that was me. It takes a steady hand to paint down in those small cracks like that. But it was a lot of fun, and certainly the most artistic thing I've done since, well, junior high school art class...but we don't really want to talk about that incident.

The response to ALL PULP's Wold Newton Days has been extremely phenomenal!  Multiple writers have contributed work, as you have seen, but even more so, we have had record viewing these last three days (right at 2000 views in three days and counting)!  Because of this and since we still have material to share, ALL PULP is extending the Wold Newton celebration all week long!   Every day this week, ONE Wold Newton related item will be posted, so you can get your Wold Newton on once a day for the next week!  And all our usual pulpy goodness to boot!!!

Thanks to all the fans who made Wold Newton days a success and to all the scholars and writers who made it possible at all.  And thanks to Philip Jose Farmer for daring to look for the links....