Pulp Carnivale is an alternative short fiction site that follows in the tradition of pulp magazines - a highly curated collaborative publishing space featuring varied stories of uniform quality. This is a space for authors to gain exposure and for audiences to discover quality new fiction without a lot of noise to sift through.
Pulp Carnivale is publishing 3 types of short story:
Flash Fiction: Stories of 1,000 words or less, published daily as a "News Flash".
Short Story: Stories of differing longer lengths, around 10,000 words or less.
Serial Fiction: These stories will be 10,000 words or less and will come in weekly installments. They can be either episodic or a miniseries.
We are currently looking for stories in the following genres:
science fiction
adventure/exotic travels
Please feel free to contact Tracy Austin, editor of Pulp Carnivale, at pulpcarnivale@gmail.com or 646-926-7857. Submissions are currently being accepted for our launch in November 2010.
By submitting, the author gives the editor non-exclusive rights to publish their works. The editor reserves the right to reject works at her own discretion.